Chris Terrill

Chris Terrill

Chris Terrill is an anthropologist, adventurer, author and filmmaker born in Brighton in 1952. He attended Brighton College 1965–1970, and then went to Durham University where he gained a joint-honours degree in Geography and Anthropology. Between 1976 and 1977 he lived with the remote Acholi Tribe of Southern Sudan where he carried out doctoral research on the impact of civil war on the tribal society[1] before taking up the post of Head of Geography at Rendcomb College in Gloucestershire. In 1983, he left teaching to become a full-time professional anthropologist working for the International Disaster Institute and the UN in Geneva and throughout the famine gripped and war ravaged areas of Africa.[2][3] Later, and quite by accident, he moved into broadcasting when he went to give an interview to the BBC African Service and was offered a job on the spot. Instantly, he changed careers and became a producer for the BBC World Service specialising in African affairs. After five years in radio he joined BBC television as a documentary producer, making investigative documentaries and observational films about communities all over the world. As a programme maker, Terrill has stayed true to his academic background and has continued to employ anthropological methodology—particularly participant observation.[4] He will embed with communities for months and years if necessary to achieve the necessary trust to make his films or write his books. Indeed, as a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Royal Geographical Society, Terrill is still widely regarded as a practising anthropologist/geographer who uses film as his primary research tool and recording medium in the field.[5][6]

He was awarded a Royal Television Society Award for Innovation[7] for his series Soho Stories (BBC2) as well as an Emmy for outstanding investigative journalism for a film called Ape Trade.[8] This Inside Story Special (BBC1) exposed the major gangs smuggling endangered orangutans to illegal markets in Taiwan, the USA and Russia.[9] After 20 years at the BBC, and with over 100 prime time films to his name, he left the corporation in 2003 to set up his own company, Uppercut Films, and began to specialise in military and high adventure documentaries[10]—though always concentrating on communities/groups and their internal dynamics. In 2007, he documented and participated in the rigorous eight months training with the Royal Marine Commandos after which he followed the newly qualified recruits to the front line in Afghanistan for their first taste of real war.[11][12] Terrill is the first civilian to complete all four commando tests for which he was awarded an honorary green beret. Jimmy Saville was a previous recipient of the honorary green beret although he did not attempt all four commando tests. Gethin Jones attempted the last of the tests, the 30 mile run across Dartmoor but finished in a time of 8 hours 20 minutes - 20 minutes over the pass time of 8 hours. Terrill is also the oldest person—military or civilian—to have passed the commando tests.[13]

Terrill never uses a film crew, preferring always to work alone, doing his own camerawork and sound recording. This "lone wolf" technique, a hallmark of his work, lends his films a very intimate and personal style.[14] Using the new digital technology, he was the first front line filmmaker to experiment as a self shooting/self recording director in the early 1990s on his seminal Soho Stories. This series, a colourful portrait of London's glamorous Soho district, was a runaway success and gave birth to the much vaunted, and subsequently much copied, docu-soap style of filmmaking.[15][16] Widely credited as the "father of the docu-soap", though both Paul Watson and Jeremy Mills have similar claim to the title, Terrill then went on to refine his techniques on prime time series such as The Cruise (BBC1),[17] Jailbirds (BBC1),[18][19] Through the Eyes of the Old (BBC1), The Ship (BBC2), Shipmates (BBC 1) and two feature documentary specials on Charlotte ChurchSpreading Her Wings (BBC1) and Confessions of a Teen-angel (ITV1). Commando: On the Front Line (ITV1)—a powerful account of Royal Marine Commandos fighting in Afghanistan was followed by Nature's Fury (ITV1)[20] a trilogy on the world's greatest storms and their impact on communities. By now Terrill had expanded his multi-skilling into not only filming and directing but being his own presenter as well. This "one man and his camera" approach is a sub-genre of his own filmmaking style that he is continuing to develop, particularly in the realm of high adventure.

In 2009 Terrill made a series on the Theatre Royal, Haymarket , London called Theatreland. This was an intimate portrait of theatre people in their own environment and featured Ian McKellen, Patrick Stuart and Anna Friel. In the same year he made a two part film series about Royal Marines, badly injured in Afghanistan, attempting to climb in the high Himalayas (Wartorn Warriors—Sky1).[21] In 2010 he spent six months on HMS Manchester in the Caribbean filming counter narcotics operations as well as humanitarian disaster relief during the hurricane season (Royal Navy: Caribbean Patrol for Channel Five and National Geographic). In 2011 Terrill returned to working with the Royal Marines when he joined 42 Commando in the dangerous Nad e Ali (north) district of Helmand Province. This was for a 6 part series commissioned by Channel Five entitled "Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan" due out in January 2012.

Terrill is a keen amateur athlete, specialising in ultra running, triathlon and boxing.[22]


Books published

Year Title Publisher Synopsis
1995 HMS Brilliant BBC Books The story of a Royal Navy frigate on front line duty in the Adriatic during the Yugoslavian war. Terrill spent ten weeks with the ship's company during HMS Brilliant's deployment to the Adriatic as part of Operation Sharp Guard—the enforcement of the UN arms embargo on all the countries of the former Yugoslavia. The book describes the events that took place on Brilliant from the time she left Bari on Italy's east coast for the dangerous waters off Bosnia–Montenegro to the day she sailed back to her home port of Plymouth.
2005 Shipmates Century Random House An exploration of the proud tradition of the Royal Navy, which has been the first line of defence of the British island race since the reign of King Alfred. The book focuses on the Navy's heritage and its ever-changing role in the modern world. Whether describing "runs ashore" in Dubai or how HMS Chatham helped after the terrible devastation caused by the Boxing Day tsunami in Sri Lanka, "Shipmates" illustrates that a Royal Navy warship is always a "little piece of Britain" cast adrift on the oceans of the world.
2007 Commando Arrow Books Random House Chris Terrill's own experience of training with the elite Royal Marines Commandos and winning his own green beret before following them to the front line in Afghanistan. He writes graphically about the way young men are plunged into one of the planet's most dangerous wars in the outlaw mountain terrain of Helmand Province. He tells of ferocious battles against the Taliban, of firefights, of jaw-dropping heroism, British sangfroid and humour, and tragedy as casualties are suffered.

Film history

Year Film/television series Broadcaster Summary
1989 Subway BBC1 Crime and violence on the London Underground
1990 Bullies BBC2 The chronic problem of school bullying
1990 The Race Game BBC1 An investigation into racism in British sport.
1990 Fit To Drop BBC2 The extraordinary story of people addicted to exercise.
1991 Brief Encounters BBC2 Prostitutes, pimps, punters and the police at Kings Cross Railway Station
1992 Ape Trade BBC1/National Geographic Undercover investigation into orangutan smuggling
1993 Yellow Line BBC1 The vicious parking wars on the streets of London
1993 Miami Wild BBC2 Policing the animal smuggling trade in Florida
1994 Seeing Red BBC1 Union unrest, crime and violence on London's buses
1994 The Women Trade BBC1 Investigation into international prostitution and the marketing of women for the sex industry
1995 Beloved Country BBC2 6 part series on ordinary South African lives as they approached full democracy and black rule
1996 HMS Brilliant BBC1 6 part series on a Royal Navy warship serving during the Yugoslavian war
1996 Alison's Last Mountain BBC1 Journey to K2 with the family of Alison Hargreaves soon after her death on the mountain
1997 Soho Stories BBC 2 12 part series about life in London's famous and flamboyant Soho district
1998 The Cruise BBC 1 12 part series on board a luxury cruise ship in the Caribbean featuring Jane McDonald
1998 Jane Ties the Knot BBC 1 Cruise special—Jane gets married on a Caribbean Island.
1999 Jane's Cruise to the Stars BBC 1 Cruise special—Jane's rise to stardom.
1999 Jailbirds BBC 1 10 part series inside Newhall Women's high security prison
2000 Beyond the Bars BBC 1 Jailbirds special—What happened to the prisoners after release.
2000 Tito's Story BBC 1 Inside Story special on an 11 year old autistic boy in India who writes beautiful philosophical poetry
2000 The Quest BBC 1 The story of a rock gospel band and their bid for fame
2001 Through the Eyes of the Old BBC 1 90 minute feature on being old
2001 Through the Eyes of the Young BBC 1 90 minute feature on being young
2002 The Ship BBC 2/History Channel 6 part adventure series sailing the Endeavour in the wake of Captain Cook from Australia to Indonesia
2003 Shayler's Secrets BBC 2 Following the rogue spy David Shayler through his fateful trial at the Old Bailey
2004 Charlotte Church—Spreading Her Wings BBC 1 A year in the life of the young diva as she approaches her 18th birthday
2004 The Making of Sheila Quigley BBC 1 The extraordinary story of a first time novelist
2004 Debra Winger in Africa Charity film Film for Sightsavers International about Debra Winger visiting Kenya to highlight the plight of the blind
2004 The 24 Hour Plays Charity film Film for the Old Vic about a unique theatrical experiment
2005 Charlotte Church—Confessions of a Teen Angel ITV1 Charlotte attempting to break into the rock world
2004–2005 Shipmates BBC 1 A major 5 part series about the Royal Navy on operations.
2006 Debra Winger in India Charity film A film for Sightsavers International about Debra Winger visiting India to highlight the plight of the blind
2006 The Sultan's Elephant BBC Four The heart warming story of a giant elephant's visit to the streets of London and the enchantment he brought with him.
2006 Extreme Theatre Sky TV A one hour special on a unique theatrical experiment at the Old Vic featuring Kevin Spacey
2007 Commando—On the Front Line ITV1 8 part series on the Royal Marines serving on the front line in Afghanistan
2007 Commando—On the Front Line (Director's cut) ITV4 8-part series as above—one hour versions
2007 The Parish Church of England—St Martin-in-the-Fields Five 3 part series on a year in the life of this iconic church in Trafalgar Square
2007 Go Commando! ITV4 Two Royal Marines row the Atlantic Ocean
2008 Nature's Fury ITV1 3 part series on the world's most destructive storms and their impact on communities (Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Firestorms)
2009 Theatreland Sky Arts 8 part series behind the scenes at the famous Theatre Royal, Haymarket.
2010 War Torn Warriors Sky 1 Two 60 minute films about badly injured Royal Marines trekking and climbing in the high Himalayas.
2011 Royal Navy: Caribbean Patrol Five/National Geographic Five part series about the Royal Navy tracking down cocaine smugglers and providing humanitarian relief in the Caribbean.
2011 Nature's Fury—Monsoon ITV4 Facing up to the extremes of the Indian monsoon
2011 Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan Five Six part series on Afghanistan after ten years of war (in production)


Year Type Film/television series For
1992 Emmy Ape Trade. Outstanding Investigative Journalism
1996 Broadcast Award HMS Brilliant Best in-house producer
1997 Royal Television Society Award Soho Stories Innovation
2003 Emma (Ethnic and Multicultural Media Award) Tito's Story Best Documentary


Year Type Film/television series For
1997 BAFTA (Craft Awards) Soho Stories Best Sound
1998 National TV Awards The Cruise Best Factual Series
2002 BAFTA Through the Eyes of the Old Best Documentary
2002 Grierson Through the Eyes of the Old Best Documentary
2003 Emmy The Ship Cinematography
2003 Education on TV Awards The Ship Best Documentary Series
2004 Maritime Media Awards Shipmates Best Documentary Series
2010 Mental Health Awards Wartorn Warriors Best Documentary

References and Notes

  1. ^ The Creation of the Acholi Minority, Their Dispersal as Refugees and Their Repatriation (1956–1972), Durham University Geography Department: 1978.
  2. ^ The Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa. Disasters. Vol 8, issue 4, Dec. 1984.
  3. ^ Rural Refugees in Africa: Past Experience, Future Pointers. R Chambers. Disasters. Vol 6, issue 1, March 1982.
  4. ^ Participant observation—a type of research strategy. It is a widely used methodology in many disciplines, particularly, cultural anthropology, but also sociology, communication studies, and social psychology. Its aim is to gain a close and intimate familiarity with a given group of individuals (such as a religious, occupational, or sub cultural group, or a particular community) and their practices through an intensive involvement with people in their natural environment, usually over an extended period of time.
  5. ^ Anthropologist About Town (Royal Anthropological Institute): Going Commando. Sept 20th, 2007
  6. ^ Commando. Chris Terrill, Random House, 2007
  7. ^ Soho Stories was the first observational series to be filmed, recorded, directed and produced by one person. Unusual, indeed unique at the time, this has since become common work practice. With Soho Stories Terrill led the way and proved that it could be done. There were significant creative advantages to working this way—especially the intimacy of the relationship between lone filmmaker and subject—but most broadcasters were attracted by the obvious economic advantages. Unfortunately, this led to a rash of copycat TV documentaries that were certainly cheap to make but otherwise unimpressive.
  8. ^ International Primate Protection League, Vol 18, No 2, Aug 1991: BBC Exposes Ape Trade
  9. ^ To achieve this Terrill went undercover as a wildlife smuggler. In a later film called Women Trade, that exposed criminal gangs trading in women from the developing world for the sex market in Europe, Terrill posed as a woman trader in the Dominican Republic as well as in Denmark and Belgium
  10. ^ Uppercut also has a small but vibrant arts department which specialises in theatre based films due to Terrill's passion for live theatre: "When you have your own film company you can chose what films you want to make—it is like having a massive toybox full of all your favourite toys. And you can keep getting new ones." (Terrill, Sept 2008 when asked why he chose to make Theatreland at the same time as working with the Royal Marines.)
  11. ^ The National Archives, Defence|News, 14th Dec 2007: The Hardest Embed: Going Native with the Royal Marines
  12. ^ Manchester Evening News, Ian Wylie, Sept 17th, 2007, Chris—Right in the Line of Fire
  13. ^ People You Should Know: Chris Terrill. Winds of Change.NET 18th Dec, 2007
  14. ^ New Documentary: A Critical Introduction. Stella Bruzzi. Pgs, 79,122,123,129,132.
  15. ^ New Challenges for Documentary. Alan Rosenthal, John Corner.
  16. ^ Understanding Reality'Television Su Holmes, Deborah Jermyn. Pge 295.
  17. ^ Frames and Fictions on Television: The Politics of Identity Within. Bruce Carson, Margaret Llewellyn Jones.
  18. ^ For this series Terrill spent 8 months in prison
  19. ^ Independent. A Docusoap Worthy of the Hard Cell. Brian Viner, 21st March 1999
  20. ^ How I Captured the Perfect Storm. Broadcast. June 5th 2009
  21. ^ This series was shortlisted for the 2010 Mental Health Awards (Mind) and one of the films' main contributors, Marine Danny Claricoates, received 'The Speaking Out Award' for his courage in talking so openly about his own Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after seeing his two best friends blown up and killed in front of him.
  22. ^ Men's Health. Everyman of the Month, Chris Terrill—Britain's only 55 Year Old Commando

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