Don Quichotte

Don Quichotte

Don Quichotte (Don Quixote) is an opera in five acts by Jules Massenet to a French libretto by Henri Caïn.

Massenet's comédie-héroïque, like so many other dramatized versions of the story of Don Quixote, relates only indirectly to the great novel by Miguel de Cervantes. The immediate inspiration was Le chevalier de la longue figure, a play by the poet Jacques Le Lorrain first performed in Paris in 1904. In this version of the story, the simple farm girl Aldonza (a.k.a.Dulcinea) of the original novel becomes the more sophisticated Dulcinée, a flirtatious local beauty inspiring the infatuated old man's exploits.


Creation and performance history

Conceiving originally Don Quichotte to be a three-act opera, Massenet started to compose it in 1909 at a time when he, suffering from acute rheumatic pains, spent more of his time in bed than out of it, and composition of Don Quichotte became, in his words, a sort of "soothing balm." In order to concentrate on that new work, he interrupted composition of his other opera, Bacchus.[1] Despite its five acts, there is under two hours of music in the opera.

Massenet identified personally with his comic-heroic protagonist, as he was in love with Lucy Arbell who sang Dulcinée at the first performance. He was then 67 and died just two years later. The role of Don Quichotte was one of the most notable achievements of the Russian bass Feodor Chaliapin, for whom the role was specifically conceived. The opera was one of six commissioned from Massenet by Raoul Gunsbourg for the Opéra de Monte Carlo, and was premiered there on 19 February 1910.[2]

Immediately after the world premiere at Monte Carlo, the opera was staged in Brussels, Marseille and Paris (all in 1910). Then, on 27 January 1912 it was presented at the French Opera House in New Orleans, on 15 November 1913 in Philadelphia, and on 18 May 1912 the London Opera House performed it as well.

After World War I Don Quichotte received its premiere in Budapest in 1917, and the Opéra-Comique in Paris presented it in 1924. The Metropolitan Opera in New York City performed it only 9 times in 1926. After devastating reviews of those performances in particular, and criticisms of Massenet's music in general, by Lawrence Gilman in the Herald Tribune, the opera has never been revived in New York.[3]

Besides frequent and periodic revivals of it at Monte Carlo and in France, it was also shown with great success in Italy (Catania in 1928, Turin in 1933 (Teatro Regio), Bologna in 1952, Venice in 1982, Florence in 1992). The Polish premiere was at the Kraków Opera in 1962, and Baltic State Opera premiere was in 1969.

More recently, it was staged in Paris in 2000 (with Samuel Ramey in the title role), in San Diego in 2009, starring Ferruccio Furlanetto and Denyce Graves and in 2010 in Brussels with José van Dam and in Palermo with Ferruccio Furlanetto and Arutjun Kotchinian. The opera was performed at Seattle Opera in February/March 2011 with John Relyea in the title role.


Role Voice type Premiere Cast, 19 February 1910
(Conductor: Léon Jehin)
Dulcinée (Dulcinea) mezzo-soprano Lucy Arbell
Don Quichotte (Don Quixote) bass Feodor Chaliapin
Sancho Pança (Sancho Panza) bass-baritone André Gresse
Pedro soprano Brienz
Garcias soprano Brielga
Juan tenor Jean-François Delmas
Rodriguez bass Edmond Warnéry

Synopsis [4]

Act 1

A square in front of Dulcinée's house

A festival is being celebrated. Four hopeful admirers of Dulcinée serenade her from the street. Dulcinée appears and explains philosophically that being adored is not enough, 'Quand la femme a vingt ans' ('When a woman is twenty'). She withdraws and a crowd, largely of beggars, acclaim the arrival of the eccentric knight and his comic squire, Don Quichotte riding on his horse Rossinante and Sancho Panza on a donkey. Delighted by their attention, Don Quichotte tells a reluctant Sancho to throw them money. After the crowd disperse, Don Quichotte himself serenades Dulcinée, 'Quand apparaissent les étoiles' ('When the stars begin to shine') but he is stopped by Juan, a jealous admirer of the local beauty. A sword fight follows, interrupted by Dulcinée herself. She is charmed by Don Quichotte's antique attentions, chides Juan for his jealousy and sends him away. The old man offers her his devotion and a castle. She suggests instead that he might retrieve a pearl necklace of hers stolen by Ténébrun, the bandit chief. He undertakes to do so, and Dulcinée quickly rejoins her men friends.

Act 2

In the countryside

A misty morning, Don Quichotte and Sancho enter with Rossinante and the donkey. Don Quichotte is composing a love poem. Sancho delivers a grand tirade against their expedition, against Dulcinée, and against women in general. 'Comment peut-on penser du bien de ces coquines' ('How can anyone think anything good of those hussies'). The mists disperse revealing a line of windmills that Don Quichotte takes for a group of giants. To Sancho's horror, Don Quichotte attacks the first one, only to be caught up in one of the sails and hoisted up in the air.

Act 3

In the mountains

Dusk, Don Quichotte believes they are getting close to the bandits. Sancho goes to sleep while Don Quichotte stands guard. The bandits suddenly appear and after a brief fight take the knight prisoner. Sancho escapes. Surprised by the defiance of the old man, the bandits give him a beating and intend to kill him, however Don Quichotte's prayer 'Seigneur, reçois mon âme, elle n'est pas méchante' ('Lord receive my soul, it is not evil') moves Ténébrun, the bandit chief, to mercy. Don Quichotte explains his mission 'Je suis le chevalier errant' ('I am the Knight-errant'), and the necklace is returned to him. The bandits ask for the blessing of the noble knight before he leaves.

Act 4

The garden of Dulcinée's House

Music and dancing, a party is in progress, but Dulcinée is melancholy, 'Lorsque le temps d'amour a fui' ('When the time of love has gone'). Rousing herself, she snatches a guitar and sings 'Ne pensons qu'au plaisir d'aimer' ('Think just of the pleasures of love'). All retire to dinner. Sancho and Don Quichotte arrive. While waiting for Dulcinée, Sancho asks for his reward to which Don Quichotte responds with vague promises of an island, a castle, riches. Dulcinée and her party greet the knight and he returns the necklace to universal acclaim. However when he asks her to marry him he is greeted with hysterical laughter. Taking pity, Dulcinée tells the others to leave, apologizes 'Oui, je souffre votre tristesse, et j'ai vraiment chagrin à vous désemparer' ('I share your sorrow and am truly sorry') but explains that her destiny, her way of life, is different from his. She kisses him on the forehead and leaves. But the company return to make fun of the old man. Sancho vigorously upbraids them, 'Riez, allez, riez du pauvre idéologue' ('Laugh, laugh at this poor idealist') and takes his master away.

Act 5

A mountain pass in an ancient forest

A clear starry night, Don Quichotte is dying. He remembers once promising Sancho an island as his reward, and offers him an isle of dreams, 'Prends cette île' ('Take that isle'). Nearing death, Don Quichotte looks up at a star shining brightly above and hears the voice of Dulcinée calling him to another world. Then he collapses as Sancho weeps over the body.


  1. ^ Massenet, Jules (1970). My Recollections. New York: Greenwood Reprinting. p. 272. ISBN 0404042295. 
  2. ^ Milnes, Don Quichotte
  3. ^ Cast of the Met premiere of Don Quichotte with review by L. Gilman
  4. ^ This synopsis by Simon Holledge was first published on Opera japonica and appears here by permission.
  • Amadeus Almanac, accessed 6 October 2008
  • Upton, George P.; Borowski, Felix (1928). The Standard Opera Guide. New York: Blue Ribbon Books. pp. 193–94. 
  • Kobbé, Gustav (1976). The Complete Opera Book. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. pp. 875–876. 
  • Milne, Rodney , Don Quichotte, Oxford Music Online (subscription only), consulted 20.5.2010
  • Warrack, John and West, Ewan (1992), The Oxford Dictionary of Opera, 782 pages, ISBN 0-19-869164-5
  • Warrack, John; West, Ewen (1992). The Oxford Dictionary of Opera. London: Oxford. ISBN 0-19-869164-5. 

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  • Don quichotte — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Don Quichotte (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • DON QUICHOTTE — «Dans un village de la Manche, dont je ne saurais me rappeler le nom, vivait naguère un gentilhomme...», c’est ainsi que Cervantès faisait débuter l’histoire d’Alonso Quixada, Quesada ou Quijana, ce personnage à la cervelle dérangée par la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • don\ Quichotte — [ dɔ̃kiʃɔt ] n. m. • v. 1750; nom du héros d un roman de Cervantes ♦ Homme généreux et chimérique qui se pose en redresseur de torts, en défenseur des opprimés. Jouer les don Quichotte (ou les dons Quichottes) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Don Quichotte — (don ki cho t ) s. m. Héros du célèbre roman de Cervantes, qui va chercher des aventures à mener à fin et des torts à redresser.    Fig. Celui qui se fait le champion de causes qui ne sont pas siennes. C est un vrai Don Quichotte. •   Dons… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Don Quichotte — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Don Quichotte (homonymie). Don Quichotte …   Wikipédia en Français

  • DON QUICHOTTE — n. m. Celui qui, comme le héros célèbre de ce nom, se fait à tout propos, et même hors de propos, le redresseur des torts, le défenseur des opprimés; qui soutient, dans un esprit généreux et chimérique, une cause qu’il n’a pas les moyens de faire …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • don Quichotte — redresseur de torts généreux et idéaliste ♦ Don Quichotte héros du roman Don Quichotte de la Manche de Cervantès …   Dictionnaire des éponymes

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