Cain Dingle

Cain Dingle

Infobox Emmerdale character 2

name=Cain Dingle
portrayer=Jeff Hordley
born=30 November 1974
family=Dingle family
father = Zak Dingle
mother = Faith Dingle
siblings = Nathan Dingle
Ben Dingle
Butch Dingle
Tina Dingle
Sam Dingle
Belle Dingle
Chastity Dingle
children = Debbie Dingle
grandchildren = Sarah Dingle
nieces/nephews = Aaron Livesy
Samson Dingle
aunts/uncles = Shadrach Dingle
Albert Dingle
Caleb Dingle
Ezra Dingle
Zebediah Dingle
grandparents = Jedediah Dingle
Peg Dingle

Cain Dingle was a fictional character on the ITV soap opera "Emmerdale". He was played by Jeff Hordley.

Angie Reynolds

After arriving in Emmerdale in 2000 for the funeral of his cousin Butch Dingle, Cain took an immediate dislike to millionaire businessman Chris Tate (whom he blamed for the death of Butch) and policewoman Angie Reynolds and her family. Having spent months giving Angie’s smitten daughter Ollie reason to believe he fancies her, Cain revealed his true colours when he made a play for Angie.

Although she was horrified, Angie couldn't deny she felt a spark between them and after a year’s worth of flirting they started a passionate affair. After Angie came to her senses and ended the affair, Cain caused havoc on the family, sleeping with teenager Ollie, pushing grandfather Len down a flight of stairs and revealing his fling with Angie, thus causing her to lose her job in the police force. Cain and angie plotted the robbery of a Tate Haulage truck and planned to escape together, however Angie had set Cain up to take the fall and get him out of her life permanently. It ended when the car Angie was driving crashed causing fatal injuries. Cain begged a dying Angie to admit she loved him but she said she loved her children leaving Cain distraught.

Charity and Debbie

As a teenager, Cain had a fling with his cousin Charity who, at just 13, gave birth to their daughter Debbie. Without telling Cain he was a dad, Charity had her baby daughter adopted and tried to never give the tragic situation a second thought. With Charity in the village too, Cain had been causing trouble for his ex-love. On hearing that Charity is seeing Chris Tate, Cain hit her and an all out war was declared between the two. When young foster kid Debbie Jones arrived in Emmerdale and showed Cain a picture of her biological mother. The woman in the snap is Charity and Cain soon works out that he is Debbie’s dad.

Cain used the information to extort money from Charity - threatening to tell her rich husband Chris all about Debbie. So when Chris welcomed Debbie into their lives after Charity tells him the truth herself, Cain is infuriated. Despite his bad boy personality, Cain was deeply attached to Debbie and he and Charity constantly clashed over her. When she begded her warring parents to take her away for a family trip, they agreed. The result was the rekindling of their love for each other and they begin an affair behind Chris’ back. However, Chris found out and (on discovering he had a fatal brain tumor) framed Charity for his murder. Cain who was present at Chris' death (ironically he planned to murder Chris) ran away with Debbie but eventually returned and was cleared of any wrong doing. With both Cain and Charity in jail they declared their love for each other and planned to stay together. However, when she was finally released from prison, Charity and Cain attempted to live together but its clear that she was used to the high life and didn’t want to slum it with the Dingles and left Cain.

The sparring between them continued until Cain was enlisted by Sadie King to ruin her wedding to wealthy pensioner Tom King by making it look like he was still sleeping with her. Sadie hired a private detective to follow Charity and Cain forced himself on her, knowing full well the camera wouldn't lie. In revenge Charity slept with Sadie's husband Jimmy King and taping his confession to knowing about the plot, resulting in both Jimmy and Sadie being exiled from the family and Cain being kicked out of Wishing Well Cottage by Zack. Debbie and Cain left to live with Andy Sugden.

arah Dingle

After being isolated from her family, Sadie finally fell into Cain’s arms and they spent the night together. But when she rejected him later, Cain showed his evil side by killing her dog, Damon. Meanwhile, Debbie - who had a relationship with farmer Andy Sugden - was hiding the fact she was pregnant from her violent dad. However, when Cain – and the rest of the Dingles – discovered that Debbie had given birth to baby Sarah Dingle, he was overjoyed. Feeling like this was finally a chance for him to redeem himself, Cain threw himself into caring for the baby and was absolutely smitten. The problem was that Debbie wasn’t smitten at all. She felt unable to cope with Sarah and didn’t want to be a mum. With Cain pushing her to face up to her responsibilities, Debbie started to get even more desperate. So when her close pal Emily Kirk decided to leave the village, Debbie begged her to take Sarah. When the family found out that Sarah was gone, they went mad.

Cain was especially furious and set off on the trail of his granddaughter. But every lead ended up to be a dead end and Cain returned to the village in a fury. Desperate to make Debbie pay for hurting them all so badly, Cain decided to make her life hell. Things got so bad that Debbie ended up moving out and in with local vicar Ashley Thomas and his niece Jasmine. The close bond between Debbie and Jasmine saw them embark on a romantic relationship and Cain was intent on destroying his daughter’s newfound stability. Knowing that without Jasmine, Debbie had nothing, evil Cain set about to seduce Jasmine. He flattered her and took her virginity and then allowed Debbie to find them together. Debbie couldn’t believe her own father could be so evil and vowed to take her revenge on him. But Cain didn’t care, he’d hurt her back and settled the score. On Father's Day Debbie vowed to get back at Cain no matter how long it took.

adie King

Cain was responsible for sabotaging the King's show house after Sadie paid him to drive a JCB in to the walls. Sadie refused to sleep with Cain and this infuriated him. Cain admitted to Jimmy that Sadie had paid him to trash the home and lied that he and Sadie were having an affair and they devised a plan to set her up, much like the way Sadie and Cain set up Charity. When Sadie confronted him, Cain said he would lie and tell Sadie's boyfriend Matthew that they were having a sordid affair. Sadie bit back by telling Ashley Thomas that Cain had been sleeping with Jasmine, resulting in the Dingles once again throwing Cain out and letting Debbie move back in. Now homeless, Cain left the village, albeit temporilary.

When Jasmine learned that she was pregnant after her affair with Cain she was distraught and was considering an abortion. When Cain learnt of Jasmine's pregnancy, he was thrilled at the thought of having a baby and so when he discovered her plans to abort his child, he was devastated, more so when his attempts to persuade her otherwise came to nothing. With the advice from Debbie, whom she went to for help which resulted in them renewing their friendship, Jasmine decided to have an abortion. When Sadie - determined to see it to it that Cain would not get the baby he so craved - learned about this, she provided Jasmine with enough money to have an immediate termination. On the day of the planned abortion Cain was frantically searching for Jasmine and Debbie. When the two returned to the village Cain learned that Jasmine had an abortion and he was completely crushed. Debbie couldn't resist pushing the knife in - she had finally got revenge on her father.

howhome Explosion

The sabotage of the show house resulted in certain gas pipes not being fixed properly due to pressure on Jimmy King to meet his deadline. After a gas build up in a cupboard, a spark resulted in the show house collapsing which and caused the deaths of Dawn Woods and Noreen Bell. Cain found out shortly after the actual event. In contrast to Sadie's cold disinterest towards her involvement in the collapse, Cain, like Jimmy, was beside himself with guilt that he had, for all intents and purposes, contributed towards the death of a young mother. When he found out that his brother Sam was to be arrested for the murder of his wife Alice, Cain falsely confessed to the murder to prevent another child losing both his parents. This act redeemed him with his family, even Debbie. He was bailed anonymously by Sadie, who had sent money to Wishing Well cottage, which Zak and Shadrach surrendered at the hearing in exchange for Cain's temporary freedom.

Kidnap Plot and Departure

Out on bail at Alice's funeral, Sadie recruited Cain into helping her get back at Tom and Matthew King claiming that "she had the blackest card in the deck" in Cain. The duo schemed for weeks, eventually breaking in to Home Farm and learning that the Kings had millions in their personal bank accounts. Cain and Sadie plotted a kidnap of Tom King so they could get a large amount of money in ransom. Sadie realised that nobody would believe Cain capable of murder so they planned to fake Sadie's death in order to make Tom co-operate.

However the plan didn't go exactly as expected. Debbie took great pleasure in informing her dad that Sadie had paid for Jasmine's abortion. A tearful Cain was left heartbroken, and, more dangerously, furious. After a violent confrontation with Sadie, Cain followed her to the meeting place non-the-less.

With Sadie and Tom discussing the house collapse, Cain emerged from the woods with his shotgun and kidnapped the two. After hiding out in a barn for a night, Cain returned to the village and was confronted by his sister Chastity. Cain denied having anything to do with Tom and Sadie's disappearance and left. When the police began to close in on his hideout, Cain took his hostages to an abandoned factory, switched cars and donned a disguise reminiscent of Mr. Magoo.

However the police pursued him to a nearby quarry where Cain sidetracked them by sending the empty car over cliff, making everyone believe Tom and Sadie where still inside. While the police were busy searching the lake for bodies, Cain assaulted two police officers and disguised himself in their uniform.

After "shooting" Sadie, Cain forced Tom to phone Chas to deliver the ransom. This was also the last time that he saw Debbie. Debbie begged her father to take her with him, even going so far as to want to get Sarah back but both parted ways in tears. Cain handed some of the ransom to a kind old lady who said she'd post it to Debbie. Cain was taken in by the old lady's honesty and realised he wanted to change. After arriving at the airport, Cain climbed into the plane and left Sadie standing alone at the airport claiming he didn't want to be the same person he'd always been.

Cain left a final message to Debbie on her voicemail telling her to ignore what the others said, he wasn't with Sadie and he loved her.


*The book Cain used to show Jasmine Thomas he is not just a small minded thug, and eventually seduce her was The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart.

*Cain drove an old beat up BMW 520i with the registration VEC 564Y until he set fire to the car to cover his tracks from the police. Cain lamented that the car had never let him down. as a mark of respect to his car he threw the BMW badge into a the quarry in which his next car crashed into.


* Father: Zak Dingle
* Mother: Faith Dingle
* Half Brothers: Ben Dingle (deceased), Butch Dingle (deceased), Sam Dingle, Nathan Dingle
* Half Sisters: Chastity Dingle, Tina Dingle, Belle Dingle
* Daughter: Debbie Dingle
* Granddaughter: Sarah Dingle
* Nephews: Aaron Livesy, Samson Dingle
* Uncles: Shadrach Dingle, Albert Dingle, Caleb Dingle, Ezra Dingle, Zebediah Dingle
* Cousins: Marlon Dingle, Eli Dingle, Mandy Dingle, Lilith Dingle, Delilah Dingle, Genesis Walker
* First Cousins Once Removed: Obadiah Dingle, Luke Dingle, Matthew Dingle, Mark Dingle, Jon Dingle
* Second Cousin: Charity Tate
* Second Cousins Once Removed: Debbie Dingle, Noah Tate
* Second Cousin Twice Removed: Sarah Dingle

ee also

*Emmerdale Cast List

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