Stan Smith (American Dad!)

Stan Smith (American Dad!)

Stanley "Stan" Smith is the main character of the animated television series "American Dad!" Stan is a Central Intelligence Agency agent and, later on in the series, promoted Deputy-Deputy Director, placing him on the third tier of importance in the C.I.A. under Deputy-Director Bullock and the currently unidentified Director. Although once a field agent, he is now a weapons expert. [cite episode
title = Threat Levels
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by David Zuckerman. Directed by Brent Woods
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 2
minutes =
] However, he does execute the occasional regime change in Latin America. Stan is voiced by co-creator of the series, Seth MacFarlane.


Stan attended John DeLorean High School in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Stan was a very unpopular student and had terrible acne. He got pranked by the popular students while at the prom by being crushed by falling pigs which was a parody of Stephen King's Carrie, where pigs blood is dropped from the roof, but one of the pranksters only read "pigs", and not "blood". [cite episode
title = It's Good to Be Queen
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Alison McDonald. Directed by Rodney Clouden
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 19
minutes =
] Because the school is named after John DeLorean, who was born in Michigan, it is likely that Stan is from Michigan, although it has been shown that Stan lived in New York in 1970. [cite episode
title = The Best Christmas Story Never
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Brian Boyle. Directed by Albert Calleros
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 2
number = 32
minutes =
] 20 years ago, Stan, then a college student, met his future wife Francine. She was hitch-hiking and Stan gave her a ride. As he was driving, he accidentally ran over a raccoon, which he shot and killed to put it out of its misery. Francine thought it was the most compassionate act she ever saw, and he got to kill something. [cite episode
title = Francine's Flashback
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Rick Wiener. Directed by Caleb Meurer and Brent Woods
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 4
minutes =
] They started dating and got married later that same year.At some point in Stan's childhood, he was given bad advice about sex, leading to Stan's belief that masturbation would lead to hair growing on his palms and his eyes melting, a belief which Stan almost passed on to his son. [cite episode
title = A Smith in the Hand
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by David Hemingson. Directed by Pam Cooke
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 9
minutes =


Stan is presumably 38 or 39 years old because he said that Francine, who is 38, is ten months younger than him. [cite episode
title = Bullocks to Stan
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Alison McDonald. Directed by Brent Woods
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 8
minutes =
] Later Stan is 42 years old. They have an adult daughter, Hayley, and a teenage son, Steve. Stan allows Roger to live in the Smith household because the alien saved his life at Area 51 and Roger has come to think of the Smiths as family. [cite episode
title = Roger Codger
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Dan Vebber. Directed by Albert Calleros
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 5
minutes =
] His goldfish, Klaus, was actually an East German skier, which explains how he is able to talk. To prevent Klaus from winning the gold medal in the 1986 Winter Olympics, Stan switched his brain with a goldfish's brain and he has lived as a goldfish with the Smith family since then. [cite episode
title = Pilot
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman. Directed by Ron Hughart.
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 1
minutes =
] The Smith Family currently lives at 416 Cherry Street in Langley Falls, Virginia, near the C.I.A. Headquarters.

Stan's reflexive super-patriotism possibly stems from his father, Jack Smith. Jack, a Nick Fury-look alike, was an absent father and was believed to be a part of a group of spies known as the Scarlet Alliance. He wasn't able to attend the wedding so he had a fake father come to the wedding and pose as his real father for 20 years. Stan clearly worshiped his father until discovering that Jack was, in fact, a jewel thief. [cite episode
title = Con Heir
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Steve Hely. Directed by Albert Calleros
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 11
minutes =
] Stan has borderline Sigmund Freud relationship (aka Oedipus Syndrome) with his mother and according to Stan, she is a very attractive woman. Due to his father abandoning them, it is revealed that Stan's feelings for his mother had driven him to become so overprotective of her that he kidnaps all of her boyfriends and deposits them on an island so that no one can take his place in her life as protector. Stan also has an estranged half-brother who lives in New Glarus, Wisconsin. [cite episode
title = Meter Made
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits =
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 3
number = 2
minutes =


Although Stan is, for the most part, a loving husband and father, he often causes problems within the home with his 'God Bless America' attitudes. Stan also seems to prize popularity; he encouraged Steve to date cheerleaders, and lied about his own popularity in school, not to mention forcing Steve to have a better life than his own adolescence. He is horrified when he discovers his son, Steve, is a geek and is reluctant to let the other C.I.A. agent see him, lest Stan become one of the uncool agents, as in the episode "All About Steve". Though he appears to dislike nerds, Stan is shown owning a bat'leth, a type of Klingon sword. In addition to this, he claims to be a huge fan of Star Trek, as well as being seen as unpopular and a "geek" in his flashbacks, as well as saying Francine is the only woman he has dated. He also is seen to wear the exact style of glasses that Steve does at the end of "Bullocks To Stan", and therefore has far more in common with his son than he would like to believe. He is oblivious to the obvious, and occasionally mistakes sarcastic comments for suggestions. Stan can speak with dolphins [cite episodeHe is extremely paranoid,always pulling guns at the slightest sign of trouble.He also thinks having emotion is "for Women".
title = With Friends Like Steve's
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Erik Durbin. Directed by John Aoshima
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 22
minutes =
] and use Morse code. [cite episode
title = Homeland Insecurity
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Neal Boushell and Sam O'Neal. Directed by Rodney Clouden
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 6
minutes =
] Stan dislikes overweight people, as depicted in several episodes where he made remarks about his son's friend Barry. In another episode, he meets his son Steve's overweight gothic girlfriend, Debbie, whom he doesn't take very kindly to until he finds out she is interested in guns. However, when he is told he's put on a few pounds, his attempts to slim himself down, to prevent becoming what he hates, leads him to anorexia. [cite episode
title = The American Dad After School Special
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Dan Vebber. Directed by Pam Cooke
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 2
number = 25
minutes =
] He also has a massive fear of seagulls. [cite episode
title = American Dream Factory
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Nahnatchka Khan. Directed by Rodney Clouden
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 2
number = 34
minutes =

Political and social views

Stan is the epitome of conservative Republican politics. He is very vigilant and xenophobic. He initially profiled the new neighbors, Bob and Linda Memari, as terrorists solely because of their Iranian heritage, though he later seems to warm up to them. [cite episode
title = Homeland Insecurity
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Neal Boushell and Sam O'Neal. Directed by Rodney Clouden
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 6
minutes =
] He is so proud of the United States that he hates anything foreign, even food (e.g. French toast, falafels). He also hates being pegged as feminine. In the episode "Roger Codger", he began to shed tears before he almost shot Roger. Steve pointed that out, and Stan immediately said, "I'm not a lady!". Stan is very traditional, as he believes that his wife should be at home, doing housework, unable to leave the house without being escorted, and cooking meals. In the episode Tears of a Clooney, when the car is stopped, a "Cheney-Quayle 08" bumper sticker can be seen (the episode was made in 2006). He also longs to go back to the days when white males had all the power, and even believes in Racial Segregation (although he doesn't seem to dislike black people because in "All About Steve" he pretended to be a black guy's father after discovering his son is a geek, he is fan of a black woman and in Black Mystery Month he was in the Illuminutti, an organization who hid to the world that George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter (he really didn't invent it) to avoid America being destroyed by racism), and blames equality on Liberals. MacFarlane says these qualities of Stan are based on Archie Bunker from "All in the Family". As a proud Republican, he strenuously opposes abortion and gun control. He even talks to his gun (a Kel-Tec P-11), [cite episode
title = Roger Codger
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Dan Vebber. Directed by Albert Calleros
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 5
minutes =
] a habit that seems to have been taken from the title character of the cult 80s show "Sledge Hammer", believing it to be alive. When fighting Hayley in "Haylias", he threw his gun away and told it "Gun, call for help!"'. At the beginning of the series, he had a strong prejudice against homosexuality (although he once kissed George Bush's photo, mainly his lips). However, while he loudly denounces it, and has also meorised all characteristics of stereotypical gay men and women as a "Gaydar", and taught Steve to do the same, he is oblivious to his obviously gay neighbours and Hayley's one-time fiance Dill; he also seems to have a spotty knowledge on gay slang, knowing the definition of "Power Top", but unaware that "coming out" meant someone realising they were gay. His views on the subject soften greatly in the episode "Lincoln Lover", in which he finds out that his neighbor, Greg Corbin, is not only gay, but a Republican; he gradually learns that he and other gay Republicans are not gay by choice, but nevertheless are Republicans by choice. [cite episode
title = Lincoln Lover
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Rick Wiener, Kenny Schwartz, and Nahnatchka Khan. Directed by Brent Woods
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 2
number = 27
minutes =

Although he becomes obviously more accepting of homosexuality, particularly towards his neighbors, he still retains many phobias towards them, such as when Francine agrees to carry Terry and Greg's baby. Stan's belief that having two fathers will destroy the child's life, leads him to kidnap the newborn baby girl. Later, he realizes that two same gender parents would not be as terrible as he initially thought. However, a restraining order is set against him to NEVER come within ten feet of the child ever again. He also greatly admires the Republican presidents (Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan (whom he shot in "The Best Christmas Story Never"), and George W. Bush in particular (who he kissed his photo in The Magnificent Steven), while hating liberals and Democrats, especially Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, and Michael Moore, whom he believes are trying to destroy America. He frequently argues with Hayley over her liberal political views and appears to somewhat distrust her. When his boss once insulted her, however, Stan defended her honor by nearly beating his boss to death. [cite episode
title = Bullocks to Stan
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Alison McDonald. Directed by Brent Woods
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 8
minutes =
] He is very religious and thinks everyone should be the same. In "Dope & Faith", he meets a man named Brett after praying to God to have a friend. But shortly after learning he is an atheist, he tries make his life miserable and convert by destroying his home, restaurant, and marriage. Instead of going to God, he commits suicide. At the hospital, Stan prays that if Brett lives he'll accept him the way he is. But after waking up, Brett believed in God (since He kicked him down to Hell for trying to kill himself) and becomes a Satanist.

Hobbies and talents

Stan's childhood hobbies include gun cleaning, wood burning and decoupage, all of which he revisits with Steve in order to help him with self-denial. [cite episode
title = A Smith in the Hand
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by David Hemingson. Directed by Pam Cooke
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 9
minutes =
] Stan's current hobbies include collecting commemorative plates from the Franklin Mint, and he has an incredible talent in figure skating. Stan can also play the guitar, and has passed this talent on to Hayley [cite episode
title = Stannie Get Your Gun
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Brian Boyle. Directed by John Aoshima
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 14
minutes =
] and Steve. [cite episode
title = American Dream Factory
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Nahnatchka Khan. Directed by Rodney Clouden
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 2
number = 34
minutes =
] He also seems to have an interest in musical theater. In "Homeland Insecurity", Stan performed with his cellmate in jail in the play, "South Pacific", and he has long been dying to see the musical "Mamma Mia!". [cite episode
title = Rough Trade
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by David Zuckerman. Directed by Pam Cooke
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 17
minutes =
] Stan is also a fan of the TV series "Lost" and "24", and has written an extensive unpublished children's book series called "Patriot Pigeon", which has 3,012 books (and Stan received 10000 rejection letters). [cite episode
title = Star Trek
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Chris McKenna and Matt McKenna. Directed by Mike Kim
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 15
minutes =
] He is evidently a fan of "Star Trek" (despite chastising Steve for liking it) and once stated he has seen every episode, with the exception of "" (which he hates for multiple unspecified reasons). [cite episode
title = Surro-Gate
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Erik Durbin. Directed by Tim Parsons
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 3
number = 7
minutes =
] Stan also seems to enjoy the rap and hip-hop culture, as evidenced by his occasional use of slang, his rapping in the shower, and his purchase of a Flavor Flav clock. He credits hip-hop for saving his life twice, [cite episode
title = Finances with Wolves
episodelink =
series = American Dad!
serieslink =
credits = Written by Neal Boushell and Sam O'Neal. Directed by Albert Calleros
writers =
network = FOX
station =
city =
airdate =
began =
ended =
season = 1
number = 18
minutes =
] and for R&B he considers "the entire genre to be one long song." He is also a fan of the Georgetown Hoyas and watched their basketball games with Klaus while the rest of the family was in the "vacation goo".

Cameo appearances

* In the seventeenth season episode of "The Simpsons" called "The Italian Bob", Stan, along with Peter Griffin from "Family Guy", is seen in the Italian police book. Stan is guilty of "Plagiarismo Di Plagiarismo" (pseudo-Italian for plagiarism of plagiarism, which is the Simpsons writers' way of saying that "American Dad!" is a rip-off of "Family Guy" which is already considered by some Simpson writers and detractors of "Family Guy" as a rip-off of "The Simpsons"). .
* Stan appeared alongside Avery Bullock in the "Family Guy" episode "Lois Kills Stewie", although this episode turned out to be a computer simulation. In the episode Stewie Griffin calls Stan "Joe" when he first meets him, most likely because he shares many traits with Family Guy character Joe Swanson (like his chin and body type, which is athletic).


* Stan and his daughter Hayley were the first two characters that were conceived and created for the series.
* Stan's voice is based on the announcers of 1950s American anti-communist propaganda films. MacFarlane has said Stan's voice is the most exhausting to perform out of all the voices he's done in both "Family Guy" and "American Dad!".
* Stan has been described as "terrible" at sex throughout the series. In the episode "When A Stan Loves A Woman" Francine claims Stan has "forgotten how to get a boner" (although what happens is not that men forget how to have erections, but there are physical problems that cause erectile dysfunction), and in the episode "Tearjerker" Francine's character "Sexpuntocome" sleeps with Stan for the first time and says "Oh my God, you really are a virgin." Stan replies "What, that's not good?" Francine then says "No, it's awful."

Notes and references

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