Wakato Narrows Bridge

Wakato Narrows Bridge

The nihongo|Wakato Narrows Bridge|若戸大橋|Waka-To Ō-hashi, literally translated as "The Great Bridge between Wakamatsu and Tobata", is a suspension bridge in Kitakyushu, Japan. Opened on September 26 1962, it has a 367 meter main span and is two kilometres long. The bridge connects the Wakamatsu and Tobata wards of Kitakyushu across the Dokai wan. The bridge passed into the control of Kitakyushu City on September 30 2005.

The Wakato ferry existed before the bridge was built; it has been retained by the city for pedestrians and cyclists, as the bridge is reserved for motor vehicle traffic only. The cheapest ferry ride in JapanFact|date=September 2008, the three-minute journey costs 50 yen each wayFact|date=September 2008. Bicycles can be transported for an additional 50 yenFact|date=September 2008.

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