WAGs (or Wags) is an acronym used particularly (but by no means exclusively) by the British tabloid press to describe the Wives And Girlfriends of the England national football team. It came into common use during the 2006 World Cup, held in Germany, although it had been used occasionally before that.


The first recorded use of the term was in 2004. [cite web
url = http://www.doubletongued.org/index.php/dictionary/wags/
title = Dictionary definition of “wags” Entry for WAGS in the Double-Tongued Dictionary
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publisher = Doubletongued.org
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accessdate = 2008-02-02
quote = Entry for WAGS in the Double-Tongued Dictionary: "Citations: 2004 Niamh Bugler ic Wales (June 24) “Telly gets a sporting makeover”: She’s got plenty of time to become as polished, pretty and vacant as the WAGs (wives and girlfriends) of the rest of the England squad"
] In 2006 it was generally printed as "WAGs", but a singular, "Wag" or "WAG", quickly came into vogue, even though the singular form would correctly have been "wife or girlfriend" but this would read as WOG: for example, "any additional pounds she gained during Wag drinking sessions"; ["Metro", 4 July 2006] "a property heiress, model and actress, appears a likely sports WAG". ["Times", 3 July 2006] Susie Dent's annual "Language Report" for the Oxford University Press (2006) capitalised the entire acronym as "WAGS". [Susie Dent (2006) "The like, Language Report for real"]

"WAG"/"wag" came also to be used somewhat tautologically ("deluxe-edition Wag girlfriend" [Rod Liddle, "Sunday Times", 13 August 2006] ) and increasingly in non-footballing contexts: for example, the first wife of comedian Peter Cook (1937-95) was described as a "Sixties Wag" ["Sunday Times News Review", 24 September 2006] and actress Jennifer Ellison, because of her former choice of clothes, "once ... the epitome of a Wag". [Reference was made to Ellison's erstwhile "short skirt, high heels, long talons and hair extensions" and the tenuous fact that she had once stepped out briefly with Liverpool and England player Steven Gerrard: "London Lite", 5 October 2006.] Fashion writer Shane Watson coined a collective noun, "waggery". ["Sunday Times Style", 17 September 2006]

WAGs of 2006

During the 2006 World Cup the press gave increasing coverage to the socialising and shopping activities of the English WAGs, who were based in the German town of Baden Baden. It was frequently suggested that England's exit from the tournament in the quarterfinals was a result of such distractions.

Prominent WAGs of that year included Victoria Beckham, wife of former England captain David Beckham, whom the "New Yorker" described as "Queen of the wags" ["New Yorker", 3 July 2006] and the "Sunday Times" as "the original Wag"; ["Sunday Times", 20 August 2006] Cheryl Cole, "née" Tweedy, of the group Girls Aloud, who married Ashley Cole in July 2006 ("Wag weds" [Mirror", 16 July 2006] ); Coleen Rooney, "née" Mcloughlin, who married Wayne Rooney in June 2008 and who was variously described as a "chavette", dubbed by the tabloid newspaper "The Sun" a "super WAG" ["The Sun", 6 July 2006] and, by the end of the year, listed by the "Times" as a "national treasure" ["Times Magazine", 23 December 2006] ; and Carly Zucker, partner of Joe Cole, who was a fitness instructor, described by Susie Whally in the "Sunday Times" as a "new WAG on the block [who] has set the tone for the season's most wanted muscles". ["Style", 9 July 2006] In 2007 the "Times" referred to Steven Gerrard's fiancée and subsequent wife Alex Curran as an "über"- WAG" ("tussling over the remote with his "über"- WAG fiancée" ["Times Magazine", 17 February 2007 ] ). Another WAG engendered considerable interest due to her relative youth - she was A-level student Melanie Slade, the girlfriend of Theo Walcott, who, at seventeen, was himself the youngest member of the England squad.

Nancy Dell'Olio, an Italian property lawyer who was the girlfriend of the then England coach Sven-Göran Eriksson, enjoyed quite a high public profile of her own, partly as a result of long-running press interest in aspects of Eriksson's private life.

Political comparisons

The WAGs' activities did however provide a "benchmark" of sorts. A Labour member of the UK Parliament, Denis MacShane, described the Conservative Party's summer ball of 2006 (for which tickets cost £400) as "mak [ing] the WAGs of Baden Baden look like the Bloomsbury set", ["Times", 8 July 2006] a comparison with the "Bohemian" artistic group of the early 20th century that grew up initially around sisters Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf.

Leo Beckett, husband of British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett was described as the "political equivalent of a WAG" because of the extent to which he accompanied his wife on official business. [Roland White, "Sunday Times", 23 July 2006]

Implications for fashion

Fashion writers of 2006 identified certain consequences of what Lisa Armstrong described as “WAG fall-out” ["Times Magazine", 15 July 2006] and Tina Gaudoin as "Waglash". ["Times Magazine", 5 August 2006] These were mostly the implications of “over-exposure” of certain styles: for example, that the HermèsBirkin” bag had become less desirable as a result of being "de rigueur" among WAGs in Baden-Baden ["Style", 25 June 2006] (a development dubbed by Shane Watson as "baglash" ["Style", 6 August 2006] ); or that reaction to WAGs’ excessively coiffed hair and “vacant perfection” had perhaps been the "tipping point” for a revival of fashions of the 1980s, commended by Armstrong as “the last era of anti-slick”. ["Times Magazine", 15 July 2006]

Armstrong also assured readers who wished to perfect the elements of "" that the use of denture cleaner to whiten the tips of nails would not make them "look like a WAG", ["Times Magazine", 22 July 2006] while her colleague Sarah Vine offered advice on "buying some nice perfume that won't make you smell like a WAG on heat". ["Times Magazine", 22 July 2006] When it was reported, in 2007, that Coleen Rooney would be launching a range of beauty products, "London Lite" coined the term, "eau de wag" and asked, "who, tell us, who really wants to smell like Coleen McLoughlin?" [Clare Coleman, "London Lite", 14 May 2007]

WAG wannabees

However, some women did aspire to the "WAG" look. Mrs Rooney noted that "apparently more and more women are getting into debt because they try to shop and party like a footballer's wife. If I heard of anyone doing that, I'd tell them to get a grip". ["Closer", quoted in "Sunday Times", 3 September 2006] "Sunday Times" columnist India Knight observed, while waiting in an airport queue, that "it's as if a low-level wannabe footballer's wife vibe that is neither aesthetically pleasing nor edifying has become the norm ... I saw this phenomenon "en masse". ["Sunday Times", 3 September 2006] Among other features, Knight identified "enough pink glitter to satisfy the girliest of five-year-olds", massive handbags and huge designer sunglasses.

Reflecting on sunglasses as an accessory, "Sunday Times Style"'s senior fashion writer Colin McDowell suggested that, whereas women had been sure that the poise of Jacqueline Kennedy (1929-94) and Audrey Hepburn (1929-93), style icons of the mid-20th century, had been due to their shading their eyes, "Wags ... far from using dark glasses to encourage others to leave them alone, treat them as a weapon to attract and excite the paparazzi". ["Style", 30 July 2006]


Interest in the partners of footballers dates back at least to the late 1960s when England captain Bobby Moore (1941-93) and his first wife Tina were regarded as a stylish and "golden" couple. During the 1970 World Cup in Mexico the England manager Sir Alf Ramsey (1920-99) expressed concern at the effects on the team's cohesion of the presence of the wives of four players [Tina Moore, Frances Bonetti (wife of Peter Bonetti), Judith, later Lady Hurst (Geoff Hurst) and Kathy Peters (Martin Peters).] , a view that seems to have been shared by some other members of the squad [Leo McKinstry ((2006) "Sir Alf"] . England's quarter-final defeat by West Germany in that competition has been widely attributed to goalkeeping lapses by Peter Bonetti, whose pre-match nerves were thought by many, including Ramsey himself, to have been accentuated by rumours circulating about the alleged behaviour of his wife Frances [Leo McKinstry ((2006) "Sir Alf"] . By contrast, during the 1966 World Cup, their wives drove themselves to Wembley and the FA booked them a single function room in the Royal Garden Hotel at Kensington.

Interest in such partnerships scaled new heights in the late 1990s and early 21st century with the marriage (in 1999) of David Beckham to singer Victoria Adams ("Posh Spice") of the Spice Girls. The couple were almost universally known as "Posh and Becks" and every aspect of their relationship and nuance of dress were subjected to scrutiny in the press and other media. Victoria Beckham was quoted as saying that she and her husband had "so many wider interests ... fashion, make-up. I mean you think, yeah, football's great, and singing's great. But you've got to look at the bigger picture". [Susie Dent (2003) "The Language Report"]

Former Manchester United captain Roy Keane had lashed out at footballers' wives and girlfriends, as well as their lavish lifestytle, during their trophyless season in 2001-2002. Keane blamed United's loss of form on some of his team-mates' fixation with wealth, claiming that they had "forgot about the game, lost the hunger that got you the Rolex, the cars, the mansion." ] Earlier in the season, Keane had publicly advocated the breakup of the Treble-winning teamcite web |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/article511049.ece |title=The top 10 Roy Keame battles |work=Times Online] as he believed the team-mates who had played in United's victorious 1999 Champions League final no longer had the motivation to work as hard. [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?xml=/sport/2005/11/19/sfnroy19.xml |title=Keane exits still raging at the dying of the light |work=Daily Telegraph] [http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/08/15/sports/EU-SPT-SOC-Keane-WAGS.php] When Keane became manager of Sunderland A.F.C, he complained about the difficulty signing players to the city in northeast England, as their wives or girlfriends insisted they only move to teams based in London. He remarked "If someone doesn't want to come to Sunderland then all well and good," Keane said. "But if they don't want to come to Sunderland because their wife wants to go shopping in London, then it is a sad state of affairs. Unfortunately that is what is influencing a lot of footballers' decisions. Priorities have changed for footballers and they are being dictated to by their wives and girlfriends." [http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/08/15/sports/EU-SPT-SOC-Keane-WAGS.php]

Footballers' wives

It was widely assumed that perceptions of the lifestyle of Victoria Beckham influenced the ITV drama series "Footballers' Wives" (2002) and in particular the character of Chardonnay Lane-Pascoe (played by Susie Amy). The term "footballer's wife" came to be associated with a spouse leading a "high" life of socialising and shopping. Alf Ramsey, who thought the role of a footballer's wife essentially that of a housewife, ["A footballer's wife needs to run the home completely so that he has no worries; give him the sort of food he likes ... and to work only for his good and the good of his career": Alf Ramsey, quoted in Leo McKinstry (2006) "Sir Alf".] had once observed that he "didn't know much about women and the only women I know are footballers' wives". However, as his biographer noted, this remark was made "at a time when the phrase 'footballers' wives' had yet to become the embodiment of predatory lust." [Leo McKinstry (2006) "Sir Alf"]

Broadly speaking "Footballer's wife" and "WAG" were synonymous, but the latter was more generic, while the former connoted someone who seemed particularly pampered, perhaps with some of the characteristics also of an "Essex girl". An illustration of this distinction was possibly provided by singer Louise Nurding, formerly of the group Eternal, who married Liverpool and England midfielder Jamie Redknapp in 1998. Though a celebrity in her own right, who even posed from time to time for "glamour" photographs for "lads'" magazines (she was "FHM"'s "sexiest woman of the decade" in 2004) and, in 2007, secured a contract to model Triumph lingerie, her lifestyle, and that of her husband, was essentially unostentatious and apparently uncomplicated. Therefore, while she might, by definition, have been described as a "WAG", the eponym, "footballer's wife", would arguably have been unsuitable.

During the 2005-6 season the actress Joanna Taylor, wife of Fulham midfielder Danny Murphy, wrote a regular column for the "Times" whose title, "Footballer's Wife", was no doubt partially ironic.

The "Jamelia" categorisation

Undoubtedly the “WAG” image of shopping and clubbing, as portrayed in the press in 2006, tended to stick. This led some WAGs, such as Girls Aloud member Cheryl Cole, to reject the eponym and to emphasise their credentials as career women in their own right. [London "Evening Standard", 5 July 2006] The singer Jamelia (whose footballer boyfriend, Darren Byfield of Bristol City, played for Jamaica, which failed to qualify for the 2006 World Cup) drew a distinction between, on the one hand, those WAGs, such as Victoria Beckham, who was a “businesswoman”, and Cole and McLoughlin, who “have a job”, and, on the other, those who, in her view, had the wrong “priorities” and simply spent their boyfriends' money. [, such as Alex Curran"Metro", 13 July 2] This categorization had some similarities both with Lisa Armstrong's comparison of supermodels with WAGs and with the suggested "WAG"/"footballers' wife" distinction. Indeed it is possible to argue that, over the two-month period of 2006 that the WAGs were in the public spotlight, a subtle distinction emerged between "WAG" as a general acronym and the increasingly-used "Wag" in the colloquial sense of a "footballer's wife".

"WAGs Boutique": once a WAG, always a WAG?

In January 2007 a "reality" television series called "WAGs Boutique" (ITV2) was launched. This featured two teams of WAGs (few of whom had been among the party in Baden Baden the previous year) who competed to run fashion boutiques over a period of three months. The separation of one of the contenders, Michaela Henderson-Thynne, from her erstwhile partner, Middlesbrough midfielder Stewart Downing, raised some issues of principle and terminology. Giles Smith in the "Times" enquired whether "one can still be registered as a WAG after one has separated from one's footballer?" ["The Times", 1 March 2007] Smith noted also that a former beauty queen and controversial "Celebrity Big Brother" contestant, Danielle Lloyd, whose relationship with West Ham United's Teddy Sheringham was "less than concrete", was referred to, during a guest appearance on "WAGs Boutique", as "an on-off WAG". Smith wondered whether, in those moments when a woman was an "off-WAG", she was really a WAG at all ["The Times", 1 March 2007. "Celebrity Big Brother" was a "reality" game show on Channel 4 television. In a series early in 2007 Daneille Lloyd, together with another contestant, Jade Goody, had affronted some viewers with the language she used towards the eventual winner, the Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty.] . "London Lite" referred to Henderson-Thynne and Cassie Sumner, a "WAGs Boutique" participant whose supposed relationship with Michael Essien was the subject of some doubt, as "fake WAGs". ["London Lite", 16 April 2007]


"Les Wags" and "die WAGs"

As if to emphasise the perceptive opinion of former England full-back Jimmy Armfield that there was "a real international flavour to this World Cup", [BBC Radio 5 Live, quoted in "Private Eye", 23 June 2006] the "Sunday Times" published during the 2006 tournament a photograph of the wives of French players Thierry Henry and David Trézéguet with the caption "French Wags Nicole Henry and Beatrice Trezeguet share a smacker ["i.e." kiss] ". ["Sunday Times", 9 July 2006]

For its part, the French press referred to the English wives and girlfriends ("les épouses et petites amies des joueurs") as "les Wags": "Et lorsque les Wags ont fini leur shopping ..." [And when the Wags had finished their shopping] . ["Le Monde", 26 June 2006] Similarly, in German, "die WAGs" was adopted. Austria's "Seitenblicke", for example, carried a story (german: "Ich bin keine WAG!") about Cheryl Tweedy's apparently disclaiming the appellation of "WAG": "Ich war bei 'Girls Aloud' bevor ich Ashley [Cole] kennlernte ..." [I was with Girls Aloud before I got to know Ashley] . [cite web
url = http://www.seitenblicke.at/stars/starstories/artikel/4833/detail
title = "Nennt mich ja nicht WAG!"
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date = 2006-07-06
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accessdate = 2008-02-02
archiveurl= http://web.archive.org/web/20060715110505/http://www.seitenblicke.at/stars/starstories/artikel/4833/detail
archivedate= 2006-07-15
quote = Es nerve sie extrem, wenn die Leute sie als Fußballer-Frau bezeichnen, so Tweedy. "Ich war bei 'Girls Aloud' bevor ich Ashley kennlernte und hatte meine eigene erfolgreiche Karriere. Ich werde jetzt nicht die Band verlassen und den ganzen Tag in der Sonne rumsitzen oder mit Ashleys Kreditkarte shoppen gehen. Wenn ich shoppen gehe, dann mit meinem eigenen Geld, für das ich sehr hart gearbeitet habe."
] [ [http://www.seitenblicke.at/stars/starstories/artikel/4833/detail "Seitenblicke", 6 July 2006] ]

Father of the girlfriend of a footballer

When Melanie Slade's father, Councillor John Slade, was installed as Mayor of Southampton, Hampshire on 17 May 2006, he was introduced by a fellow councillor, Alec Samuels, as "about the most famous mayor this city has had in 790 years ... He is the father of the girlfriend of a footballer". [ [http://www.24dash.com/content/news/viewNews.php?navID=2&newsID=5873 http://www.24dash.com/content/news/viewNews.php?navID=2&newsID=5873] "24dash.com" ]


When it was announced in 2007 that David Beckham would be joining the American club Los Angeles Galaxy, the "Mail on Sunday" referred to the "LA WAGs whose husbands earn less in ten years than Beckham in one week". The "Mail" claimed that these WAGs, who included actress Bianca Kajlich, were "stay-at-home girls" who "possess not a Chloé dress, a Prada handbag or a Manolo Blahnik shoe between them. And they are awaiting the arrival of Victoria Beckham with some trepidation". ["Mail on Sunday", 14 January 2007]

Non-footballing WAGs

Lawn tennis: WWAGs and WOWs

During the course of the World Cup, the "Times" coined the term "WWAGs" ("Wimbledon Wives and Girlfriends") for the girlfriends of male participants in the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships in 2006. ["Times", 3 July 2006] The most photographed WWAG in the British press during the tournament of 2006 was Kim Sears, the girlfriend of Scottish player Andrew Murray. Sears was the daughter of Nigel Sears, former coach of the Slovak player Daniela Hantuchová.

"The Sun" used an alternative form, "WOWs" ("Wives of Wimbledon"), to draw attention to photographs of such "girls with WOW factor" as the Australian actress, Bec Hewitt, "née" Cartwright, wife of Lleyton Hewitt, Wimbledon champion in 2002. [ [http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006300613,00.html http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006300613,00.html] "Thesun.co.uk" ]

Golf: WAGs/WABs

Interest in the private lives of golfers has been popular in the tabloids since the relationships of Nick Faldo and Tony Jacklin, though not to the extent of footballers; one current golf relationship that receives substantial tabloid coverage is the marriage of Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren. Jacklin, who was then widowed at the time in 1988 had a date with a teenage girl, who then sold the story to "The Sun" newspapers. Faldo is best remembered in the frontpage outside of sports, in 1998, having his Porsche 959 trashed by an ex-girlfriend with his golf clubs.

The term "wives and girlfriends" (in unabbreviated term) was commonly used during the Ryder Cup golfing competitions at The Belfry in 2002 and Oakland Hills near Detroit in 2004, the press having given these partners about as much coverage as the golfers themselves, due to the patriotic competitive nature of the sport which extends to themselves. "London Lite" ["London Lite", 19 September 2006] and "Metro" ["Metro", 20 September 2006] used the slightly patronising acronym "WABs" ("wives and birdies", the latter a pun on the term for a one under par score for a hole) with reference to the partners of the European team as they arrived in Ireland for the 2006 Ryder Cup at The K Club, Straffan, County Kildare.

Cricket: CWAGs

"CWAGs" (Cricket Wives and Girlfriends) was applied to partners of the England cricket team in the series of test matches against Australia that began in Brisbane, Queensland in November 2006: for example, "Jessica the Cwag knocks Ashes Test crowd for six" ["London Lite", 27 November 2006] (the subject of this headline being singer Jessica Taylor, of the group Liberty X, fiancée of batsman and occasional off-spinner Kevin Pietersen). Although "CWAG" (rather than "WAG") was not used all that widely, there were predictable claims after England had lost the series 5-0 that the presence of wives and girlfriends had undermined the cohesion of the touring party. ["Mail on Sunday", 7 January 2007] "WAG" had previously been applied in the context of cricket: for example to model Minki van der Westhuizen, who had been associated with the South African captain, Graeme Smith. [ [http://www.cricket.mailliw.com/archives/2006/11/01/slinki-minki-the-fans-favourite-wag/ http://www.cricket.mailliw.com/archives/2006/11/01/slinki-minki-the-fans-favourite-wag/] "Cricket.mailliw.com" ]

The British Royal Family: RAGs and Mads

In July 2006 "The Sun" carried an article on the "RAGs" ("Royals and Girlfriends"), a term introduced for young female members of the British Royal Family, as well as Kate Middleton and Chelsy Davy, the girlfriends of Prince William and Prince Harry. ["The Sun", 3 July 2006] Others identified as "RAGs" were Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, champion equestrian eventer Zara Phillips, and Lady Gabriella Windsor. [ [http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2001290023-2006300524_1,00.html http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2001290023-2006300524_1,00.html] "Thesun.co.uk" ] Subsequently, under the heading "Windsor Mads outdo the Wags", Jasper Gerard reported in the "Sunday Times" on festivities involving "the Windsor Mads (mothers and daughters), as Fergie [Sarah, Duchess of York] and Eugenie celebrated Beatrice's forthcoming 18th birthday". ["Sunday Times", 16 July 2006]

Motor racing

Though the term has never been used, many high profile sportsmen in motor racing have publicly enjoyed high profile relationships with celebrities, for instance Jacques Villeneuve's relationship with Dannii Minogue and the marriage of Dario Franchitti and Ashley Judd.

One example of a well known wife of a sportsman is Michaela Fogarty, the wife of former Superbike World Championship star Carl. At the height of her husbands fame, she has been photographed in pit and paddock areas and has also appeared in print advertisements for Ducati motorcycles, which her husband has ridden for. Despite never appearing in the spotlight, much of her popularity is within the motorcycling fraternity, as she is known for her support of her husband. The two have even appeared in a series which they embark on an adventure riding.

Other acronyms

Other imitative acronyms to emerge in 2006 included:
*"CHAPs": "celebrities' husbands and partners"; [ [http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/showbiz/tm_objectid=17400831&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=chap-awards--name_page.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/showbiz/tm_objectid=17400831&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=chap-awards--name_page.html] "Mirror.co.uk" ]
*"HABs": "husbands and boyfriends" for the partners of female tennis players at Wimbledon; [ [http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/sport.cfm?id=971752006 http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/sport.cfm?id=971752006] "Thescotsman.scotsman.com" ]
*"MAGs": "mothers and girlfriends", or the singular "MAG" for mother of a WAG ("e.g." "Wonder who's paying for Coleen's MAG's shopping?" ["London Lite", 20 October 2006] );
*"SADs": "sons and daughters" of footballers, a term used by the "Sunday Times" with reference to Bianca Gascoigne, daughter of Paul Gascoigne who played for England in the 1990 World Cup, Shaun Wright-Phillips, the adopted son of Ian Wright (Arsenal and England) and Calum Best, son of George Best (Manchester United & Northern Ireland); ["Sunday Times", 3 September 2006]
*"SWAGs": used both for "supporters without a game" ("i.e." England fans at a loose end in Germany on days when their team was not playing [ [http://www.mirror.co.uk/worldcup/news/tm_objectid=17307747&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=nothing-to-do-but-look-at-the-wags-name_page.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/worldcup/news/tm_objectid=17307747&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=nothing-to-do-but-look-at-the-wags-name_page.html] "Mirror.co.uk" ] ) and, according to the "Guardian", "Summit wives and girlfriends" (the partners of World leaders attending the G8 Summit in St Petersburg, Russia on 15-17 July 2006). ["Guardian", 18 July 2006]
*"WWAGs": stands for "Wannabe Wifes and Girlfriends". For young girls the life of a WAG is some thing they dream about, they copy the style and shopping habits of the WAG of the moment. They are normally found looking for designer bargains at TK Maxx or Primark and socialising at the local nightclub. The origin of this WWAG movement started in Norwich by Wannabe WAG Stacey Taylor

"Private Eye"

In an irreverent parody - "Those World Cup Acronyms in Full" - the satirical magazine "Private Eye" (which had, among other things, imagined a table-top game, with a Gucci ball, called "Subbuteo Footballers' Wives" and referred to Coleen McLoughlin as "Noleen McCleavage" ["The Private Eye Annual 2006" (ed Ian Hislop)] ) offered such additional terms as "SHAGS" ("unofficial girlfriends whose numbers appear on footballers' mobile phones") and "GAGS" ("Writs served by footballers accused of relationships with SHAGS"). ["Private Eye", 7 July 2006] Both of these were allusions to rumours two years earlier about the private life of an England international player.

Following the weddings of four England players in a single weekend in 2007, the "Eye"'s "Glenda Slagg" column referred jokingly to "SLAGS": "that's 'Stupid Lazy and Grasping Slappers' - Geddit?!?" ["Private Eye", 22 June-5 July 2007] .

WAGs in popular culture

Like many cultural trends or coined phrases, references to WAGs have appeared in popular culture. In the Estelle song 'American Boy', Kanye West raps the lyrics; "But I still talk that CAAASH. Cuz a lotta WAGS want to hear it". [ [ http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/a81326/kanye-west-to-rap-about-wags-on-new-song.html Kanye West to rap about WAGs on new song] Digital Spy 08-12-07; Accessed 05-06-08 ] Two novels have been published about WAGs. The first, "A Wag's Diary", was released in October 2007, published by Harper Collins; the second, A Wag's Diary in LA, will be published in June 2008 Both books are written by Alison Kervin.


External links

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1rCQR3T9Nk/ Pictures Of WAGs] on "Youtube"AOL Entertainment have created what could be the world's first league tables of WAGs, where thousands of people have rated them to see which WAGs are the most popular. Featuring WAGs from the sports of football, motor racing, golf and cricket, it seems that Elin Nordegren - wife of golfer Tiger Woods - has taken an early lead.

* [http://entertainment.aol.co.uk/wags/AOL Entertainment's WAGs pictures]
* [http://www.sportingwags.com/Sporting Wags with video]

Other links

* [http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-life-features/liverpool-arts/2007/03/06/take-a-look-inside-coleen-s-world-64375-18714696/ Interview with Coleen Rooney]
* [http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-life-features/liverpool-arts/2006/10/04/from-schoolgirl-to-vogue-cover-girl-64375-17863507/ Interview with Coleen Rooney's biographer Sue Evison]

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  • WAGS — can refer to: * WAGS (AM), a radio station (1380 AM) located in Bishopville, South Carolina, United States * WAGs, the Wives And Girlfriends of the England national football teamee also* Wag (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • WAGS (AM) — Infobox Radio station name = WAGS city = Bishopville, South Carolina area = branding = slogan = airdate = frequency = 1380 kHz format = Country music power = 1,000 watts day erp = haat = class = D facility id = 9105 coordinates =… …   Wikipedia

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  • wags — present third singular of wag plural of wag …   Useful english dictionary

  • Nag WAGs — The Wives And Girlfriends of jockeys. For some time, the high profile partners of star British soccer players have been known as WAGs (wives and girlfriends). Later, the media nicknamed the partners of rugby players “scrummies” (scrum+yummy). Now …   Dictionary of unconsidered lexicographical trifles

  • the tail wags the dog — I the less important or subsidiary factor, person, or thing dominates a situation; the usual roles are reversed the financing system is becoming the tail that wags the dog II see tail I …   Useful english dictionary

  • tail wags the dog — Said of situations in which a minor part is in control of the whole. * /He is just a minor employee at the firm, yet he gives everyone orders, a case of the tail wagging the dog./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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