67 BC

67 BC



By place


*Consuls: Manius Acilius Glabrio and Gaius Calpurnius Piso.
*Ostia sacked by pirates.
*Pompey's war against the pirates, with great success.
*Pompey takes over Lucius Lucullus's command in the east, and reaping the fruit of the later's victories.
*The "lex Gabinia" gives Pompey command of the Mediterranean and its coasts for 50 miles inland for three years. Pompey defeats the pirates and pacifies Cilicia.
*Lex Acilia Calpurnia — permanent exclusion from office in cases of electoral corruption


*Aristobulus II becomes king of Judea


*Mithridates invades Pontus


*December — The army of the Han Dynasty Chinese commander Zheng Ji is victorious over the Xiongnu in the Battle of Jushi.


* Princess Arsinoe IV of Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy XII of Egypt and probably Cleopatra V of Egypt (or 68 BC) (d. 41 BC)


*Salome Alexandra, queen of Judea (b. 139 BC)
*Lucius Cornelius Sisenna, soldier and historian (b. c. 120 BC)

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