Zeta Psi

Zeta Psi

Infobox Fraternity
letters = ΖΨ
name = Zeta Psi
crest =
founded = birth date and age|1847|6|1
birthplace = New York University
type = Social
scope = International
chapters = 52
colors = White
motto = ΤΚΦ (Tau Kappa Phi)
flower = White Carnation
publication = "The Circle"
philanthropy = ZeteKidz
address = 15 South Henry St
city = Pearl River
state = New York
country = USA
free_label = Nickname
free = Zetes (“zates”)
homepage = [http://www.zetapsi.org http://www.zetapsi.org]

The Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America was founded June 1, 1847 as a social college fraternity. The organization now comprises about fifty active chapters and twenty-five inactive chapters, encompassing roughly twenty thousand brothers, and is a member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. It has historically been selective about the campuses at which it establishes chapters, focusing on forging new territory and maintaining a presence at prestigious institutions: it was the first Fraternity on the West Coast at the University of California at Berkeley June 10, 1870, the first Fraternity in Canada at the University of Toronto, March 27, 1879, and the only Fraternity to have chapters simultaneously at all eight Ivy League schools with the chartering of Eta at Yale University in 1889 (though this claim lasted only a few years, owing to burgeoning faculty opposition to the Princeton chapter). The fraternity became bi-continental on May 3, [2008] with the chartering of Iota Omicron at the University of Oxford .

The Greek letters of the Fraternity are the capital letters Zeta and Psi: ΖΨ.

It's considered by many scholars to be one of the most secretive Fraternities.

Its international headquarters is located in Pearl River, New York. Its current president is Dave Busacca, as of 2008Fact|date=June 2008.


1847 to 1860: Foundation and early expansion

On the first of June in 1847, three young men gathered in a New York City home with a single purpose in mind: the constitution of a new Greek-letter society. Their names were John Bradt Yates Sommers, William Henry Dayton, and John Moon Skillman; the Fraternity they founded that day was Zeta Psi.

Then students at New York University (itself a young campus, only founded in 1831), the three men formed the core of the first chapter, Phi. But William Dayton was stricken with poor health, and departed New York shortly afterwards for more temperate climes. He retired to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where the warm weather was expected to improve his humors, intending to begin a chapter there. But the move was inauspicious: Dayton died within the year, and the University of North Carolina was without a chapter of Zeta Psi for over a decade. The Phi chapter at NYU persisted in his absence, and graduated its first member the next year with George S Woodhull (Φ '48). The second chapter was established as Zeta at Williams College in Massachusetts, but it was active only four years because of faculty suppression. The Delta chapter was founded at Rutgers University later that year, and remains the most longevous continuously active chapter of the fraternity (the Phi chapter was briefly inactive in the 1970s).

3 chapters followed in 1850: Omicron (now Omicron Epsilon) at Princeton University, Sigma at the University of Pennsylvania, and Chi at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. The first two are still active, as was the Chi Chapter until 1988. But in the early 1980s Colby College prohibited Fraternities on campus, despite the long and storied tradition they had enjoyed there. By 1988, ejected from campus and banned from any formal rush, the chapter quietly expired after over 130 years of existence. Problems beset other early chapters as well. The first Alpha chapter was founded in 1852 at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. But immediate resistance from the administration slowly wore upon the brothers there, and that chapter became inactive in 1872, permitting its letter to be used for the later chapter founded at Columbia.

But expansion proceeded apace throughout the 1850s at a rate of several chapters per year: Epsilon was chartered at Brown University and Rho (later re-chartered as Rho Epsilon) at Harvard University in 1852; Psi (later re-chartered as Psi Epsilon) at Dartmouth College in 1853; Kappa at Tufts University in 1855; Theta at Union College in 1856; Tau at Lafayette College in 1857; Xi at University of Michigan in 1858. Also in 1858, the Upsilon chapter was finally founded at the University of North Carolina, fulfilling the purpose of Brother Dayton in his last journey south. And in that year an abortive attempt was made to colonize Amherst College with the Pi chapter, which was rechartered at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1865 as the war among the several states loomed large.

= 1860 to 1864: The Civil War =

But those chapters were the last before the conflict brewing for nearly a century was unleashed. Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States in 1860, and South Carolina seceded from the Union, followed shortly thereafter by her fellow Southern states. Expansion of the Fraternity halted as campuses rallied for war and sent companies of their collegemen to battle. Zeta Psi too contributed her men, and many did not return.

At the outbreak of war, the Upsilon chapter at UNC— only chartered three years before--found itself the only chapter of Zeta Psi among all the Southern states, sundered from the North by the sudden lines of enmity. But even as they mustered for war and marched south, the Grand Chapter of Zeta Psi, specially assembled in early July 1862, adopted the resolution of Brother William Cooke (Φ '58) prescribing unity:

: RESOLVED, That while we may differ in political sentiment with those of our Brothers who are courageously battling for principles which they deem right, no disaster shall separate them from the union of Tau Kappa Phi.

And the brothers of Upsilon replied by letter in like fashion:

: WHEREAS, The present distracted state of our country renders it inexpedient to hold our convention in this State during this year;

: RESOLVED, That the Sigma Alpha be instructed to write to all Chapters, assuring them that though our Federal Union has been dissolved, still the Circle of Zeta Psi Fraternity shall never be broken;

: RESOLVED, That the bonds of Tau Kappa Phi which bind us to our Brothers in the North are as strong as they ever were.

Nor was the brotherhood among Zetes limited to mere words; the moving tale of Brother Henry Schwerin (Θ '63) illustrates the embodiment of love even in the most trying of circumstance. Schwerin lay gravely wounded after the bloody Battle of Chattanooga; pinned on the breast of his Union uniform was the badge of Zeta Psi. A passing Confederate soldier, also a Zete, spied the badge and carried the invalid to medical care and safety, ignoring even the imperatives of war for the sake of his brother. The worthy badge later passed into the hands of his brother, Max Schwerin (Θ '70), who would one day serve as international president. After his death, it was donated by his sister to the Fraternity's archives and remains among its treasures. Brother John Day Smith (Ε '72) witnessed the incident on the Chattanooga field, and later related it to Brother Francis Lawton (Ε '69), who would author the poem “The Badge of Zeta Psi,” later set to original music and preserved to this day. The reference to “Chattanooga's bloody field” is not idle hyperbole, but the recollection of a rare triumph among such sorrows.

And amid these sorrows and heroisms, when so many brothers of Zeta Psi perished, so too were even whole chapters swallowed by the War. The Eta (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, chartered 1861), Psi Epsilon (Dartmouth), Upsilon (UNC), Epsilon (Brown), and Theta (Union) chapters had vanished by the end of battle, decimated by fallen brothers or disheartened campuses returning from the shadow of death. The Theta and Eta chapters would never survive the staggering losses they suffered, though the others ultimately recovered and reactivated. And the Gamma chapter—chartered 1861 at the Georgia Military Institute, the only new chapter during the War—was annihilated utterly by General Sherman's march, and existed thus only for those few years of tumult. But out of the shadow of war came regrowth and a time for Zeta Psi to expand once more.

1864 to 1914: Breaking new ground

The nation was still young indeed even after the end of the Civil War: California had only recently become a State, committing to the side of the victorious Union and contributing its men though the conflict took place mainly across the continent, thousands of miles away. It was then only fitting that to California the Fraternities should next have moved. And as in many initiatives, Zeta Psi was first: in 1870 it established the Iota chapter at the University of California, Berkeley and became the first Fraternity on the West Coast. (Though the Iota chapter would not be joined until 1892 by the next addition, the Mu chapter at Stanford University.)

Nor was Zeta Psi content even to remain a national Fraternity, but also pressed northward into Canada. The brothers of the Xi chapter at the University of Michigan in 1879 constituted the Theta Xi chapter at the University of Toronto, making Zeta Psi the first international Fraternity as well. Since then, Zeta Psi has actively bolstered its Canadian presence, commissioning a director solely for Canadian chapter development and amassing a long list of successful chapters there.

The end of the nineteenth century was fecund ground for Zeta Psi. It took root at no fewer than fourteen colleges in those latter days: Omega was founded at University of Chicago in 1864; Pi at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1865; Lambda, Bowdoin College, 1867; Beta, University of Virginia, 1868; Psi, Cornell University, 1868; Iota, UC Berkeley, 1870; Gamma, first at the US Naval Academy in 1874, and then at Syracuse College in 1875 after the government proscribed Fraternities at its military academies; Theta Xi, University of Toronto, 1879; Alpha, Columbia University, 1879; Alpha Psi, McGill University, 1883; Nu, Case Western Reserve, 1884; Eta, Yale, 1889; Mu, Stanford, 1892; Alpha Beta, University of Minnesota, 1899. (The establishment of the Eta chapter at Yale made Zeta Psi the first and only fraternity to establish chapters at all eight Ivy-League schools.)

Even as the physical reach of Zeta Psi made great bounds, so too did the principles underlying its brotherhood. By the turn of the century, the need for some more centralized structure pressed as chapter after chapter was added to the Circle and their correspondence became too much to handle so chaotically. In 1909, an international publication concerning the affairs of Zetes was first published by Brother William Comstock (Ξ '99) and distributed among the several chapters: The Circle of Zeta Psi. The periodical, which is still published to this day, contained in that first issue the exhortation which has come to be known as ”The Vision of Bill Comstock” for its prescience and wisdom:

: We feel that the Fraternity, now that its individual chapters and memberships have grown so strong, is wasting its greatest possibility of strength and growth through the lack of a systematic central organization.

In short, Brother Comstock criticized the degree of individualism among the chapters of Zeta Psi, demanding unity among such disparate brothers. He prescribed that every member should receive the fledgling Circle of Zeta Psi, and thus be apprised of the far-flung doings of the fraternity; that a general secretary be commissioned to travel among the chapters and treat with them; and that a foundation be established for the pecuniary support of the general Fraternity. And all three of his mandates have been amply fulfilled: The Circle is still published and distributed to the brothers of Zeta Psi (and can be read online here); now the General Secretary is assisted in his rounds by chapter consultants, whose function remains the same; and the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation was to be instituted within Brother Comstock's lifetime, though still in the future. Before Zeta Psi could turn to such collegiate concerns, war again threatened, this time abroad.

= 1914 to 1920: The First World War =

Though already inured to the horrors and trial that War would wreak upon her from the bloody Civil War, war in Europe came suddenly in the 1910s and caught a nation and Fraternity unawares. For some time, the United States did not commit troops to the battle, maintaining an isolationist stance protected. But Canada was a member in good standing of Britain's Commonwealth, and as war threatened England, the men of Canada were called upon to support their ally abroad.

With the first Canadian chapter only founded at Toronto in 1879, her sister chapters were still young when war came to them. Particularly stricken were the Alpha Psi and Theta Xi chapters at McGill and U Toronto. Even in 1914, they were already sending letters indicating their brothers heading east across the sea to the war. In 1915, more than half the workers at the McGill Base Hospital were Zetes from Alpha Psi. By war's end, the two beleaguered chapters had given over two hundred souls in defense of King and Country.

Perhaps most noted among the rolls of the brave Canadian brethren who went overseas is Lt. Col. Brother Dr. John McCrae (Θ Ξ '94), a serviceman in the Canadian army, who like so many other men did not return at the close of conflict. But Brother McCrae bequeathed to his fraternity more than even his worthy life, but also a poem which has been preserved in great honor as both a historical and literary work: “In Flanders Fields.” The words are a testament to the heroic spirit in man and are treasured still by the brethren of Zeta Psi as the hallowed words of a brother whose time long ago passed.

Finally in 1917, America entered the war, and with their country, so too did the many Zetes who called that land their home. At the annual convention of Zeta Psi, the brothers adopted a resolution in support of the war—which the United States Congress had itself only declared a few weeks previously—:

: WHEREAS, The United States of America has been forced into the World War in defense of its national honor and for the protection of international justice and democracy;

: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America, at the Seventieth Annual Convention assembled at Raleigh, North Carolina, hereby pledges to the President and Congress of the United States of America its unqualified support of whatever war measures the Government may deem necessary and expedient, and places at the disposal of the Government its national organization, its Chapters, and its individual members, for service in whatever capacities the government may direct.

Nor was the pledge mere idle words nor fatuous boasting. Over one quarter of all brethren of Zeta Psi would serve during the First World War in foreign lands, and many did not return. Zeta Psi also provided the nation its first Assistant Secretary of War, Brother Benedict Crowell (Ν '92), noted for his bold reorganization of civilian military control during World War I. Even after the war, Crowell remained politically powerful, and was later instrumental in engineering the repeal of National Prohibition. When battle and country called, the men of Zeta Psi answered.

Regalia and symbols

The official color of the Fraternity is white, the unofficial secondary colors are gold and black.

The Fraternity flower is the white carnation.

The pennant (flag) of the Fraternity depicts the Greek letters zeta and psi, wrought in gold with a black outline, set on a white field.

The escutcheon The Zeta Psi escutcheon is composed of a shield divided quarterly—the chief dexter tierced pallwise with proper skull, book, parchment and crossed swords on a Gules field, surmounting a Sable field, dexter and an argent star on azure sinister. The chief sinister quarterly divided per satire. A proper crossed Roman fasces joined with an argent star with a Greek letter phi on a vert field. A pair of sable lips on argent, sinister. A sable annulus linked with an or alpha on azure. A sable eye and ear on or dexter. The inferior dexter simple quarterly. An or lamp, chief dexter. A proper book on azure field, sinister. A proper hand on argent field, or lyre on azure, and proper quill on argent. The inferior sinister unpartitioned with a proper caduceus surrounded by a wreath of argent flowers on an or field. An inescutcheon appears with a perfect circle or on an argent field. The shield is shown above a proper wreath of oak leaves and acorns with a proper badge of zeta psi at their center. It is surmounted by a proper star, below which appear the motto in Greek letters tau, kappa, phi in sable.

The public motto is Τ Κ Φ (Tau Kappa Phi), the significance of which is considered one of the Fraternity's mysteries.

The badge of Zeta Psi consists of “a gold pin formed of the Greek letters zeta and psi and there shall be engraved upon it the letters O and A.” The arms of the psi are also engraved, with a Roman fasces upon the left and a star upon the right. The badge is set with seven stones (usually pearl or jet) along each of the bars of the zeta, for a total of twenty-one.

Famous members

The following list is necessarily incomplete:
* Lt. Col. Dr. John Alexander McCrae; Author of In Flanders Fields; Theta Xi (University of Toronto) 1894
* John Bardeen; Two-Time Nobel Laureate in Physics; Lambda Psi (U Wisconsin) 1928
* Steve Berman; Gay Writer; Beta Tau (Tulane University) 1986
* Alfred Kinsey; Biologist and Sex Researcher; Beta (Bowdoin College) 1916
* Dean Cain; Actor; Omicron Epsilon (Princeton) 1988
* Henry Ford II; Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company; Eta (Yale)
* Charles L. Grimes; Olympic Gold Medalist - Yale Crew 1956; Eta (Yale)1957
* Dizzy Reed; Musician, Keyboardist for hard rock band Guns 'N' Roses; Psi (Cornell)
* Senator Prescott Bush; Connecticut Senator, father of President George H.W. Bush and grandfather of President George W. Bush; Eta (Yale)
* James J Carey; Rear Admiral, USNR; Omega (Northwestern) 1960
* Dr Howard Dean; Former Governor of Vermont and Chairman of DNC; Eta (Yale) 1971
* Brian Dickson; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Canada; Pi Epsilon (Manitoba)
* Julian Robertson; former Chairman of the Tiger Fund (Tiger Management Corp.); Upsilon (UNC)
* William B. Harrison, Jr.; former CEO and current Chairman of JPMorgan Chase; Upsilon (UNC)
* Erskine Bowles; former White House Chief of Staff and current President of the University of North Carolina system; Upsilon (UNC)
* Leslie S Aspin; Former Secretary of Defense; Eta (Yale) 1960
* John Brodie; Quarterback, San Francisco 49ers; Mu (Stanford) 1956
* Gray Davis; Former Governor of California; Mu (Stanford) 1964
* Ken Dilger; Tight End, Indianapolis Colts; Alpha Epsilon (U Illinois)
* Arthur Gajarsa; Washington DC Court of Appeals; Pi (RPI)
* Harold “Red” Grange; Halfback, Chicago Bears; Alpha Epsilon (Illinois) 1925
* Eric Molson; Chairman, Molson Beer Companies; Alpha Psi (McGill)
* Shaun O'Malley; Chairman and CEO, Price Waterhouse; Sigma (U Penn) 1959
* Charles E. Phelps, (Princeton), U.S. Congressman for Maryland's 3rd District, 1865-1869.
* Dr Benjamin Spock; Author; Alpha (Columbia) 1929
* Sir John Templeton; Financier and Philanthropist; Eta (Yale) 1934
* Pete Wilson; Former Governor of California; Eta (Yale) 1955
* William E. Simon, Jr.; California Gubernatorial Candidate, 2002; Zeta (Williams)
* Roderick M. Hills; former Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission; Mu (Stanford)
* Henry Suzzallo; President of the University of Washington, 1919-1926; Phi Lambda (University of Washington) 1920
* Dick Wolf ; Creator of the "Law and Order," television series; Sigma (UPENN)
* Jim Balsillie; Chairman and Co-CEO Research in Motion; Theta Xi (University of Toronto)
* Jeff Cooper (colonel); Father of "the Modern Pistol Technique"; Mu (Stanford) 1941
* James Parker, Major General, U.S. Army, Medal of Honor recipient (Philippine-American War); Delta (Rutgers) [cite web|accessdate=2007-05-12 |url=http://www.nicindy.org/whos_greek/medal_of_honor_recipients/|title=Medal of Honor Recipients from NIC Member Fraternities|publisher=North American Interfraternity Conference]
* Evan Shapiro; President, Independent Film Channel and Sundance Channel; Upsilon Mu (University of Massachusetts)
* Brian Sullivan; Anchor, Bloomberg Television, "Morning Call." Alpha Pi (Virginia Tech) 1993
* Ian C. Murray; Founder Vineyard Vines, Tau (Lafayette College) 1997
* Andrew Jones; President of Bruin Alumni Association; Sigma Zeta (UCLA) 2003
* Mitchell Kallick; Former Professional Volleyball Player for Portugal's Clube Desportivo de Povoa. Zeta (NYU) 2002
* Elisha Dyer, Jr.; Former Governor of Rhode Island; Epsilon (Brown) 1859
* Nelson Dingley, Jr.; Former Governor of Maine and member of US House of Rep.; Psi (Dartmouth) 1855
* Seldon Connor; Former Governor of Maine; Kappa (Tufts) 1859
* Bert LaBrucherie; Former UCLA and CalTech football coach; Sigma Zeta (UCLA) 1929
* William Coit Ackerman; Head of Associated Students of UCLA, coach of NCAA championship UCLA tennis team, and namesake of Ackerman Student Union on campus; Sigma Zeta (UCLA), 1924
* George Wharton Pepper; U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, famous American attorney, founder of Pepper Hamilton LLP; Sigma (University of Pennsylvania), 1887
* William Stamps Farish, IV; Chairman, Breeders' Cup Limited; Beta (University of Virginia), 1987
* Paul B. Hicks, Jr.; President, Texaco Europe; Chairman, Winged Foot Golf Club; Beta (University of Virginia), 1950



2. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Baird%27s_Manual_of_American_College_Fraternities_%281879%29/Zeta_Psi

External links

* [http://www.zetapsi.org/ Zeta Psi's official site]
* [http://www.zetapsi.ca/ Zeta Psi's Canadian Development Office]
* [http://www.politicalgraveyard.com/group/zeta-psi.html Zeta Psi members in politics]
* [http://www.mazp.org/ Minnesota Association of Zeta Psi]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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