Aulus Didius Gallus

Aulus Didius Gallus

Aulus Didius Gallus was a Roman general and politician of the 1st century AD. He was governor of Britain between 52 and 57 AD.


The career of Aulus Didius Gallus up to 51 can be partly reconstructed from an inscription from Olympia. He was quaestor under Tiberius, probably in 19. He served as a legate of the proconsul of Asia, as prefect of cavalry, and as proconsul of Sicily, although the dates of these appointments are unknown. He was "curator aquarum" (superintendent of aqueducts) from 38 to 49, consul in 39, and a member of the "XVviri". He received triumphal regalia as an imperial legate under Claudius, probably in Bosporus: Tacitus records that he commanded forces there that were withdrawn in 49. After this he appears to have taken up another proconsular appointment, possibly in Asia or Africa.

His later career is described by Tacitus. In 52 he was made governor of Britain, following the death in office of Ostorius Scapula, at a time when the situation was deteriorating as a result of a string of rebellions. The south-east was securely held, but despite the defeat of Caratacus the previous year, the tribes of what is now Wales, particularly the Silures, continued to hold out. Venutius' first insurrection against Queen Cartimandua of the Brigantes occurred during Didius' rule and he despatched troops under Caesius Nasica to aid her.

Didius acted to quell the rebels rather than enlarge the empire during his rule, which lasted until AD 57. Although criticised by Tacitus as being reactive and defensive, he was probably acting on instructions from Claudius who did not consider the benefits of further conquest in difficult terrain to be great enough to warrant the risk. Instead, Didius built roads and forts at the borders such as those at Usk to contain the barbarians. After five years in the post, covering the last two years of the reign of Claudius and the first three of Nero, Didius was replaced by Quintus Veranius.

Quintilian tells us that, after several years of campaigning for a provincial governorship, Didius complained at the province he was offered, although whether this refers to Sicily or Britain is unknown. The orator Domitius Afer sarcastically advised him to think of his country. The next governor of Britain, Quintus Veranius, says on his tombstone that he took the job "although he did not seek it", which has been interpreted as a barbed comment on Didius.


Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius Veiento, who was praetor in 62, may have been his son or grandson.


Primary sources

*Frontinus, [*.html#2.102 "On the Water Supply of Rome" 2:102]
*Tacitus, "Agricola" [ 14] ; "Annals" [ 12:15] , [ 12:40] , [ 14:29]
*Quintilian, "Institutio Oratoria" [*.html#3.68 Book 6, 3:68]

econdary sources

*cite book|first=William |last=Smith|year=1870|title=Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology|volume=2|pages=pp. 227 []
*cite book|first=Anthony R.|last=Birley|year=1981|title=The "Fasti" of Roman Britain|pages=pp. 44-49

External links

* [ Aulus Didius Gallus] at []

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