Sonni Ali

Sonni Ali

Sonni Ali, also known as Sunni Ali Ber or "Sunni Ali", who reigned from about 1464 to 1492, was the first great king of the Songhai Empire, located in west Africa and the 15th ruler of the Sonni dynasty. Under Sonni Ali's infantry and cavalry, Songhai extended to cover a great portion of the Niger River area and gained control of crucial trading cities such as Timbuktu (captured in 1468) and Jenne (captured in 1475). Sonni conducted a repressive policy against the scholars of Timbuktu, especially those of the Sankore region who were associated with the Tuareg whom Ali expelled to gain control of the town.

He built a fleet to patrol the Niger river. During Sonni Ali's reign, Songhai surpassed the height of the Mali Empire, engulfing areas under the Mali Empire (and the Ghana Empire before it).On November 6, 1492, Sunni Ali's horse slipped and fell into the Koni River, Ali and his horse were swept over the falls and drowned.cite web|url="|title="Sunni Ali Ber Death info"|] . He was succeeded by his Sonni Baru.

External links

* [ "Kingdoms of the Medieval Sudan" - Xavier University]
* [ Ancient African Legends


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