Adolf Hitler's medical health

Adolf Hitler's medical health

Adolf Hitler's medical health has long been a subject of popular controversy. There has also been speculation regarding his mental health.


Although beginning in the early 1930s, Hitler gradually reduced his meat intake and more or less eschewed alcohol until the war went badly (when he used it to aid his sleep), his eating habits in general could be unhealthy and irregular. He reportedly had a sweet tooth and as a result ate large amounts of chocolate and pastries, sometimes to the exclusion of a balanced diet. According to the Wagner family, for example, he added at least seven teaspoons of sugar to every cup of tea he drank. Combined with his refusal to engage in any regular exercise aside from walking, Hitler put on weight as he aged.

His penchant for sweets seems to have contributed to bad dental health. By the 1930s, Hitler had many bridges and fillings (which were used by the Soviets to identify his body in 1945). Some observers have offered this as one reason why Hitler rarely smiled in public and when laughing often covered his mouth with one hand.


Hitler's tremors and irregular heartbeat during the last years of his life could have been symptoms of tertiary (late stage) syphilis, [ [ BBC NEWS | Health | Hitler syphilis theory revived ] ] which would mean he had had a syphilis infection for many years. Along with another doctor, Theodor Morell diagnosed them as such by early 1945 in a joint report to SS head Heinrich Himmler.Fact|date=November 2007 Some historians have also cited Hitler's preoccupation with syphilis across fourteen pages of "Mein Kampf", where he called it a "Jewish disease", leading to speculation he may have had the disease himself. His possible discovery in 1908 that he himself had the disease may have been responsible for his demeanor; while his life course may have been influenced by his anger at being a syphilitic, as well as his belief that he had acquired the disease from undesirable societal elements which he intended to eliminate. He talks about the temptation of prostitution and the spreading of syphilis in several chapters of "Mein Kampf", specifically volume 1, chapter 10 "Causes of the Collapse". [ [ Mein Kampf: Causes of the Collapse ] ] Historians have speculated he may have caught the affliction from a German prostitute at a time when the disease was not yet treatable by modern antibiotics, which would also explain his avoidance of normal sexual relations with women. However, syphilis had become curable in 1910 with the introduction of Salvarsan by Paul Ehrlich.

No pictures exist of Hitler revealing any portion of his torso; such as wearing a bathing suit at the beach. The author Deborah Hayden [,M1] has written extensively regarding Hitler and syphilis. [] See a documentary video file [] produced by the Armed Forces in the late 40s about the very serious number of cases of the disease reported in Europe and the United States in the early part of the century.

Since the 1870s, however, it was a common rhetorical practice on the völkisch right to associate Jews with diseases such as syphilis. Historian Robert Waite claims Hitler tested negative on a Wassermann test as late as 1939 although this does not prove that he did not have the disease as the Wassermann test was prone to false-negative results. Regardless of whether he actually had syphilis or not, Hitler lived in constant fear of the disease and took treatment for it no matter what doctors told him.

In his biography of Doctor Felix Kersten, called "The Man with the Miraculous Hands," [ [ The Man With the Miraculous Hands: The Fantastic Story of Felix Kersten, Himmler's Private Doctor (Classics of War Series): Books: Joseph Kessel ] ] journalist and Académie française member Joseph Kessel wrote of how in the winter of 1942 Kersten heard of Hitler's medical condition. Consulted by his patient, Himmler, as to whether he could "assist a man who suffers from severe headaches, dizziness and insomnia," Kersten was shown a top secret twenty-six page report. It detailed how Hitler had contracted syphilis in his youth and was treated for it at a hospital in Pasewalk, Germany. However, in 1937, symptoms re-appeared, showing the disease was still active, and by the start of 1942, signs were evident that progressive syphilitic paralysis ("Tabes dorsalis") was occurring. Himmler advised Kersten that Morell {who in the 1930s claimed to be a specialist venereologist} was in charge of Hitler's treatment, and that it was a state secret. The book also relates how Kersten learned from Himmler's secretary, Rudolf Brandt, that at that time, probably the only other people privy to the report's information were Nazi Party chairman Martin Bormann and Hermann Göring, the head of the Luftwaffe.

Parkinson's disease

It has also been speculated Hitler had Parkinson's disease. Newsreels of Hitler show he had tremors in his hand and a shuffling walk (also a symptom of tertiary syphilis, see above) which began before the war and continued to worsen until the end of his life. Morell treated Hitler with an agent commonly used to treat this condition in 1945, although Morell is viewed as an unreliable doctor by most historians and any diagnoses he may have made are subject to doubt.

A more reliable doctor, Ernst-Günther Schenck, who worked at an emergency casualty station in the Reich Chancellery during April 1945, also claimed Hitler might have Parkinson's disease. However, Schenck only saw Hitler briefly on two occasions and, by his own admission, was extremely exhausted and dazed during these meetings (at the time, he had been in surgery for numerous days without much sleep). Also, some of Schenck's opinions were based on hearsay from Dr. Haase.

Some doctors dismiss his ailments as hypochondria, pointing out the apparently drastic decline of Hitler's health as Germany began losing World War II.

Mental health

As debated as Hitler's physical medical issues may be, his mental health is a minefield of theories and speculation. This topic is very controversial, as many believe that if a psychological cause can be found for Hitler's behavior, there would be more reasoning behind his actions.

Waite, who authored an extensive psychohistory of Hitler, concluded that he suffered from borderline personality disorder, which manifested its symptoms in numerous ways and would imply Hitler was in full control of himself and his actions. Others have proposed he may have been schizophrenicFact|date=May 2008, based on claims that he was hallucinating and delusional during his last year of life. Many people believe that Hitler had a mental disorder and was not schizophrenic nor bipolar but rather met the criteria for both and that therefore he was most likely a schizoaffective. If true, this might be explained by a series of brief reactive psychoses in a narcissistic personality which could not withstand being confronted with reality (in this case that he was not the "superman" or "savior of Germany" he envisioned, as his plans and apparent early achievements collapsed about him). In addition, his regular methamphetamine use and possible sleep deprivation in the last, highly stressful period of his life must be factored into any speculation as to the cause of his possible psychotic symptoms as these two activities are known to trigger psychotic reactions in some individuals. However, Hitler never visited a psychiatrist, and under current methodology, any such diagnosis is speculation.

Michael Fitzgerald, an expert in autism spectrum disorders, concludes that Hitler suffered from, and met all the criteria of Asperger syndrome as documented by Hans Asperger. [cite book|last=Fitzgerald|first=Michael|title=Autism and creativity: is there a link between autism in men and exceptional ability?|location=East Sussex|publisher=Brunner-Routledge|year=2004|isbn= 1583912134 p. 27] As evidence of Asperger's Fitzgerald cites Hitler's poor sleep patterns, food fads, dislike of physical contact, inability to forge genuine friendships, and an emptiness in his human relations. His conversations in the Men’s Home in Vienna were really harangues and invited no reciprocity, for which he lacked this capacity. In Munich he was distant, self-contained, withdrawn and without friends. His comrades noted that he had no humanitarian feelings. He was obsessive and rarely made good or interesting company, except in the eyes of those who shared his obsessions or those in awe of, or dependent on him. He was single minded and inflexible. He spent a great deal of time with Albert Speer, examining architectural plans, and this remained a major focus of his life throughout. His other major interest was in the music of Wagner. His greatest interest, clearly, was in control over people and power over people.Fitzgerald, Michael (2004). "Autism and Creativity: Is There a Link between Autism in Men and Exceptional Ability?" pp. 25–27]

Fitzgerald further states that Hitler was an ideologue with unshakable convictions, and had a bed compulsion, which demands that the bed be made in a particular way with the quilt folded according to a prescribed pattern and that a man must make the bed before he could go to sleep. He did not use language for the purpose of interaction with others, but only for the purpose of dominating others. He endlessly engaged in long-winded and pedantic speeches, with "illogical arguments full of crude comparisons and cheap allusions." He was unable to carry on a normal conversation or discussion with people. Even if only one other person was present, he had to do all the talking. His manner of speech soon loses any conversational qualities it might have had and takes on all the characteristics of a lecture that may easily develop into a tirade. He simply forgets his companions and behaves as though he were addressing a multitude, repeating the same stories over and over again in exactly the same form, almost as though he had memorised them. After the First World War "his awkward mannerisms" were noted. At that time he wore his gangster hat and trenchcoat over his dinner jacket, toting a pistol and carrying as usual his dog whip, he cut a bizarre figure in the salons of Munich’s upper-crust. But his very eccentricity of dress and exaggerated mannerisms… saw him lionized by condescending hosts and fellow guests. In his early days he wore the Bavarian costume. His clothes were not clean; with his mouth full of brown, rotted teeth and his long fingernails he presented a rather grotesque figure. His gait was a very lady-like walk. Dainty little steps. Every few steps he cocked his right shoulder nervously, his left leg snapping up as he did so. He also had a tic in his face that caused the corner of his lips to curl upwards. People found his look "staring and dead." Fitzgerald claims, therefore, that Adolf Hitler meets the criteria for autistic psychopathy described by Hans Asperger and was not schizophrenic.


Schizophrenia ran through Hitler's family, and a few medical analysists have diagnosed him with the disorder, although it is impossible to confirm. One of these family members was his grandniece, who was later gassed along with other mentally disabled.

Autopsy comment on anatomy

Soviet doctor Lev Bezymensky, allegedly involved in the Soviet autopsy, stated in a 1967 book that Hitler's left testicle was missing, (see "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball"). Bezymensky later admitted it was falsified.Fact|date=February 2007 Hitler was routinely examined by many doctors throughout his childhood, military service and later political career, and no clinical mention of any such condition has ever been discovered. Records do show he was wounded in 1916 during the Battle of the Somme, and some sources describe his injury as a wound to the groin. Hitler's World War I company commander said a VD exam found that Hitler had only one testicle, but this individual was known to be politically critical of Hitler, and no documentation of the exam seems to exist.


In a 1980 article, the German historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler was highly dismissive of all theories that sought to explain Nazi Germany as due to some defect, medical or otherwise in Hitler. Wehler commented "Does our understanding of National Socialist policies really depend on whether Hitler had only one testicle?...Perhaps the Führer had three, which made things difficult for him-who knows?...Even if Hitler could be regarded irrefutably as a sado-masochist, which scientific interest does that further?...Does the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" thus become more easily understandable or the "twisted road to Auschwitz" become the one-way street of a psychopath in power?"Kershaw, Ian "The Nazi Dictatorship : Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation", London : Arnold 2000 page 72.] . In Wehler's opinion, besides for the problem that such theories about Hitler's medical condition were extremely difficult to prove, was that they had the effect of personalizing the phenomena of Nazi Germany by more or less attributing everything that happened in the Third Reich to one flawed individual. Echoing Wehler's views, the Briitsh historian Sir Ian Kershaw argued that it was better to take a broader view of German history by seeking to examine what social forces led to the Third Reich and its policies as opposed to the "personalized" explanations for the Holocaust and World War II. In his 1998 book "," the American journalist Ron Rosenbaum sarcastically remarked that theories concerning Hitler's mental state and sexual activity shed more light on the theorists than on Hitler.


Further reading

Medical books

* Bezymenski, L. (1968). "The Death of Adolf Hitler: Unknown Documents from Soviet Archives." Harcourt Brace. ISBN 0-7181-0634-2
* Doyle, D. (2005). "Hitler's Medical Care" ['s_medical_care.pdf PDF File]
* Heston, L. (1980). "The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler: His Illnesses, Doctors, and Drugs." Stein & Day Pub. ISBN 0-8128-2718-X
* Heston, L. (2000). "The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler." Cooper Square Press. ISBN 0-8154-1066-2
* Heston, L. (1999). "Adolf Hitler: A Medical Descent That Changed History His Drug Abuse, Doctors, Illnesses." Baypoint Pr. ISBN 0-9665852-9-1
* Langer, W (1943). "A psychological analysis of Adolph Hitler: His life and legend." M.O. Branch, Office of Strategic Services. ASIN B0007F56QQ
* Morell, Dr. T. et al. (1983). "Adolf Hitler : The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor." [ PDF File] Focal Point Publications. ISBN 0-283-98981-5
* Schwaab, E. (1992) "Hitler's Mind: A Plunge into Madness." Praeger Publishers. ISBN 0-275-94132-9
* Victor, G. (1999). "Hitler: The Pathology of Evil." Potomac Books. ISBN 1-57488-228-7
* Zalampas, S. (1990). "Adolf Hitler: A Psychological Interpretation of His Views on Architecture Art and Music." Bowling Green State Univ Popular Pr. ISBN 0-87972-488-9


* Machtan, Lothar. "The Hidden Hitler" (translated into English by J. Brownjohn), Basic Books, 2002. ISBN 0-465-04308-9
* O'Donnell, James (1978). "The Bunker". New York: Da Capo Press (2001 reprint). ISBN 0-306-80958-3.
* Rosenbaum, Ron. "Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil". Harper Perennial, 1999. ISBN 0-06-095339-X.
* Waite, Robert G.L. "The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler". New York: First DaCapo Press Edition, 1993 (orig. pub. 1977). ISBN 0-306-80514-6.

External links

* [ Did Hitler have only one testicle?] from "The Straight Dope"
* [ OSS document alleging sexual deviancy]
* [ History Channel's Episode - High Hitler]

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