HCI can mean:


* Home Computer Initiative, a United Kingdom government programme designed to increase the use of computers in the home
* Host controller interface, a defined and usually standardized interface between a host computer and a device controller or bus adapter
* Human-computer interaction, the study of how people interact with computers
* Human-computer interaction (security), the study of how people interact with computers concerning information security
* Human-computer interface, the technical term for a user interface


* Harbord Collegiate Institute, a school in Toronto, Canada
* Humberside Collegiate Institute, a school in Toronto, Canada
* Hwa Chong Institution, a school located in Singapore


* Handgun Control Incorporated, the former name of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
* Human Concern International, a Canadian organization frequently accused of terrorist links
* HCI is a common typographical error for HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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