

Cuban Guaracha

The guaracha originated in Bufo comic theatre in the mid-19th century, and in the brothels of Havana. The lyrics were full of slang, and dwelt on events and people in the news. Rhythmically, guaracha exhibits a series of rhythm combinations, such as 6/8 with 2/4. [Orovio, Helio 2004. "Cuban music from A to Z". Duke University, Durham NC; Tumi, Bath. p101]

Alejo Carpentier quotes a number of guaracha verses which illustrate the style::Mi marido se murió,:Dios en el cielo lo tiene:y que lo tenga tan tenido:que acá jamás nunca vuelva.

::(My husband died,::God in heaven has him;::May he keep him so well::That he never comes back!)


:No hay mulata más hermosa.:más pilla y más sandunguera,:ni que tenga en la cadura:más azúcar que mi Rosa.

::(There's no mulatta more gorgeous,::more wicked and more spicy,::nor one whose hips have got::more sugar than my Rosa!) [Carpentier, Alejo 2001 [1945] . "Music in Cuba". Minniapolis MN.]

In the mid-20th century the style was taken up by the conjuntos and big bands as a type of up-tempo music, the singers specialized in amazingly fast and spicy improvizations. Many of the early trovadores, such as Sindo Garay, composed and sung guarachas as a balance for the slower boleros and canciónes. The satirical lyric content also fitted well with the son, and many bands played both genres. Today it seems no longer to exist as a distinct musical form; it has been absorbed into the vast maw of Salsa.

Lead singers who could handle fast lyrics were often given the label "guarachero" or "guarachera". Celia Cruz was an example, though she, like Benny Moré, sung almost every type of Cuban lyric well. A better example is Cascarita (Orlando Guerra) who was distinctly less comfortable with boleros, but brilliant with fast numbers. In modern Cuban music so many threads are interwoven that one cannot easily distinguish these older roots. Perhaps in the lyrics of Los Van Van the topicality and sauciness of the old guarachas found new life, though the rhythm would have surprised the old-timers.

Puerto Rican Guaracha

The Afro-Spanish guaracha came to Puerto Rico from Cuba in the 1850's, and developed into its current modern jazz, salsa style. Now it is generally played with a bolero section in 2/4 time and a clave section in either 6/8 or 3/4 time, although the order of these sections is sometimes reversed. The guaracha then ends with a rumba section.

Cortijo y su Combo, Ismael Rivera, Mirta Silva, a prime singer of La Sonora Matancera better known as "La Reina de la Guaracha" were great examples of Puerto Rican guaracheros."La Negra Tomasa" composed in the 1940's. Another example is "Corneta" sung by Daniel Santos.

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