Timeline of Slovenian history

Timeline of Slovenian history

This is a timeline of key events in the history of Slovenia, both of the Slovenes and the other ethnicities who once lived or do live on Slovene ethnic territory or in the geographical bounds of Slovenia.

1200s BC - 500s BC -300s BC - 200s BC - 100s BC - 0s BC - 1s - 100s - 200s - 300s - 400s - 500s - 600s - 700s - 800s - 900s - 1000s - 1200s - 1300s - 1400s - 1500s - 1600s - 1700s - 1800s - 1830s - 1840s - 1850s - 1860s - 1870s - 1890s - 1900s - 1910s - 1920s - 1930s - 1940s - 1950s - 1960s - 1970s - 1980s - 1990s - 2000s

See also

1200s BC

* Circa 1200 BC - the Danubian culture (inland) and the Terramare culture (along the coast) includes lands that are now part of Slovenia.

= 500s BC =

* The Adriatic Veneti are dwelling in northeastern Italy and parts of Slovenia. A well-developed Illyrian population exists as far north as the upper Sava valley in what is now Slovenia. Illyrian friezes discovered near the present-day Slovene city of Ljubljana depict ritual sacrifices, feasts, battles, sporting events, and other activities. The Adriatic Veneti are not to be confused with the Vistula Veneti (see Veneti (disambiguation)).

= 300s BC =

* Celtic peoples settle in the area of modern Slovenia. Their legacy is attested in geographic names, such as place names Bohinj, Tuhinj and river names Sava, Savinja and Drava.

= 200s BC =

* Circa 250 BC - The Celtic La Tène culture comes to the territories of modern Slovenia, replacing the Hallstatt Culture.
* 221 BC - The border of the Roman Republic arrives at the Julian Alps.

= 100s BC =

* 181 BC - The Roman foundation of Aquileia marks the beginning of a gradual conquering of the territories of modern Slovenia by the Romans.
* 178 BC - Romans conquer Histria. Subsequently, in 129 BC they subjugated the Taurisci people and in 115 BC the Carni people.

= 0s BC =

* 48 BC - Noricans take the side of Julius Caesar (circa 100 BC-44 BC) in the civil war against Pompey (106 BC-48 BC).
* 16 BC - Noricans, having joined with the Pannonians in invading Histria, are defeated by Publius Silius, proconsul of Illyricum.
* 12 BC - The army of Romans, led by Tiberius (42 BC-37, reigned 14-37), starts conquering Pannonia.
* 9 BC - Pannonia is subdued and incorporated with Illyricum, the frontier of which was thus extended as far as the Danube.

= 1s =

* 7 - Pannonians, with the Dalmatians and other Illyrian tribes, revolt, and are overcome by Tiberius and Germanicus (15 BC-19), after a hard-fought campaign which lasted for two years.
* 9 - The Roman Empire finally conquers Pannonia (which includes the biggest part of present-day Slovenia). Roman legions stay in Poetovio (modern Ptuj).
* Circa 40 - The Noricum Kingdom is ultimately incorporated to the Roman Empire by the Roman caesar Claudius (10 BC-54, reigned 41-54). Noricum includes Carinthia and most of Styria. Hence, the entire territory of modern Slovenia is within the borders of the Roman Empire.
* 46 - Celeia (modern Celje) gets its municipal rights under the name "municipium Claudia Celeia".


* Not later than 103 - Roman caesar Trajan (53-117, reigned 98-117) moves the Legio XIII Gemina to the north border in Karnunt ("Carnuntum") (today Deutsch Altenburg in Lower Austria) in Pannonia along the Danube River.


* Circa 290 - Noricum is divided under Roman Emperor Diocletian (245-313, reigned 284-305) into Noricum Ripense (along the Danube) and Noricum Mediterraneum (the southern mountainous district).


* Circa 320 - Celeia is incorporated with Aquileia ("Oglej") under Roman Emperor Constantine I. (272-337, reigned 307-337).

= 400s =

* Roman rule over the territories of modern Slovenia weakens due to invasions of Germanic peoples. In mid 5th century, Huns invade Italy, passing the territories of modern Slovenia. In late 5th century, Ostrogoths establish power over Italy. By 536, Noricum, Dalmatia and Pannonia are included in their kingdom.


* Circa 550 - The first wave of Slavic settlement, originating from Moravia, reaches the Eastern Alps region and the western margin of the Pannonian plain.
* 568 - Langobards leave the territories of modern Slovenia and the borderlands of Pannonia, moving into Italy.
* 585/595 - The second and most important wave of Slavic settlement takes place. Slavs and Avars settle in Eastern Alps (Julian Alps, Karavanke), eventually occupying an area more than twice the size of today's Slovenia. Slavic settlement is proven by the decline of dioceses in the Eastern Alpine region in second half of the 6th century, as well as in the change of population, the material culture and the linguistic identity of the area.
* Upon the arrival of Slavs, the remains of the aboriginal romanised population initially fled to elevated areas where they built fortresses, called "kašteli". Parts of them also moved to Italy or the cities along the Adriatic coast. Subsequently, the romanised aborigines assimilated with the Slavs, eventually enriching their culture. Slovenian toponyms derived from ethnonym "Lahi" (for example, Laško, Laški rovt, Lahovče and others) are reminiscent of the aboriginal romanised population. It was also from the latter that Slavs adopted a number of geographical names, such as hydronyms Drava, Sava, Soča and the territorial name Kranjska.


* Slavs of the Eastern Alps and Pannonia were originally subject to the rule of Avar khagans. In 610, Avars attempt to invade Italy. After their power is weakened, a relatively independent March of Slavs ("Marca Vinedorum") appears.
* 623 - Uprising of Slavs led by Samo1 against Avars. Samo's Tribal Union is formed.
* 631 - The Battle of Wogastisburg (probably Forchheim) between Samo's army and Austrasian forces, led by Merovingian king Dagobert I of the Franks (603-639, reigned 629-639).
*658 - Samo's death. The Tribal Union declines, but a part of "the March of Slavs" maintains independence and becomes known in historical sources under the name of Carantania. The center of Karantania was Zollfeld (Slovene "Gosposvetsko polje"), north of modern Klagenfurt (Slovene "Celovec").


* 745 - Karantania loses its independence and becomes a margraviate and tantamount part of the semifeudal Frankish empire later under the rule of king Charlemagne (742-814, reigned 771-814) due to pressing danger of Avar tribes from the east.
* In late 8th century, the Slavic duchy of Carniola is formed south of the Karavanke mountains. The only known duke, Vojnomir, is historically attested in 795.


* 803 - Christian Church divides Slovene territory along the Drava river between the Salzburg archdiocese and the Patriarchate of Aquileia.
* 840 - the Balaton Principality emerges in Pannonia.
* 843 - Karantania passes into the hands of Louis the German (804-876).
* 871 - The earliest written record of the ancient Karantanian ritual of installing dukes "Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum", where is written: "... illi eum ducem fecerunt..." (they were made dukes).
* 876 - The principality of Prince Kocelj (Balaton Principality) loses its independence.
* 887 - Arnulf of Carinthia (850-899) a grandson of Louis the German assumes his title of King of the East Franks and becomes the first Duke of Carinthia.
* 894/895 - Great Moravia probably loses a part of its territory - present-day Western Hungary- to Arnulf of Carinthia, who failed to conquer Great Moravia in 892, 893, 894/895 and 899.
* 895 - Accord between Arnulf of Carinthia and the Bohemian Duke Borivoj (reigned 870-895), Bohemia is freed from the danger of invasion.
* 896 - Finno-Ugric Magyars, led by Árpád, settle in the Pannonian plain. The centre of their settlement becomes the region around the Theiss River (Hungary).
* 899 December 8 - Arnulf of Carinthia dies.


* Circa 906 - Invading Magyars destroy the weakened empire of Great Moravia.
* 907 - Slovene territory is settled by Magyars.
* 952-1180 - The Great Karantania.
* 955 - German king Otto I (912-973, reigned 936-973) defeats the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld near Augsburg, halting their advance in Central Europe, The Austrian March is established.
* 976 - Karantania becomes a duchy in its own right, including Styria and today's East Tirol.


* 1000 - Carinthia, Styria and Carniola provinces emerging on a territory of Karantania.
* 1122-1137 - The first mention of Celje in the early Middle Ages under the name of "Cylie" in Admont's Chronicle,
* Circa 1142 - Herman of Carinthia (circa 1100-circa 1160) in León among other begins to translate the Qur'an into Latin.
* 1144 - The first record mentions Ljubljana by its modern name (by its German name "Laibach").
* 1146 - Ljubljana is mentioned by the name "Luwigana".


* 1220 - Ljubljana receives its town rights.
* 1269 - The Karantanian dynasty becomes extinct.
* October 24, 1273 - Habsburg count Rudolph I. (1218-1291) is crowned in Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) as a German king.
* 1274 - Bohemian king Ottokar II. (reigned as a king 1253-1278) a candidate for the German throne refuses to appear or to restore the provinces of Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola which he had seized. The way he got named provinces they believed was contentious.
* August 26, 1278 - Battle of Dürnkrut and Jedenspeigen between Ottokar II. and Rudolph I. allianced with the Hungarian king Ladislaus IV. Ottokar is defeated and killed.
* 1282 - The rule of Habsburg dukes over most Slovene lands begins.


* 1335 - The Duchy of Carinthia is bestowed by Louis the Bavarian on the dukes of Austria.


* 1414 - The Habsburg Duke Ernest the Iron (1377-1424) thrones according to the ancient Karantanian ritual of installing dukes on the Duke's Stone and he addresses again as an archduke.
* April 11, 1451 - Celje acquires town rights by orders from Celje count Frederic II ("Friderik II").
* 1461 - Ljubljana becomes the seat of the diocese.
* 1473 - The city walls and defensive moat are built in Celje.


* 1511 - Ljubljana is devastated by earthquake.
* 1550 - The first book in Slovene is printed. Primož Trubar's primer entitled "Abecedarium" and a catechism.
* 1566 - Prekmurje region was occupied by Ottomans during Siege of Szigetvar.
* 1584 - The Bible is translated (and published!) into Slovene by Jurij Dalmatin.
* 1593 - The Battle of Sisak restored the balance of power and brought the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into the Slovene territory to a halt.


* 1688 - Prekmurje region was occupied by Austrians.
* 1693 - A scholarly society Academia operosorum Labacensis is established in Ljubljana.

= 1700s =

* 1701 - The Philharmonic Society ("Academia philharmonicorum") is established in Ljubljana.


* 1809 - The Lower Carinthia incorporates to France as Duchy of Carinthia was divided into two parts, Upper or Western Carinthia and Lower or Eastern.


* 1813 - The Lower Carinthia is reconqured.


* 1821 - Congress of Laibach takes place in Ljubljana.


* 1838 - First works, tracings on Slovene territory of a railway route Vienna - Trieste in a so called "Southern Railway" ("Južna železnica") begin.


* 1845 - First works on the "Southern Railway" between Celje and Ljubljana begin,
* April 27, 1846- First locomotive of the "Southern Railway" comes to Celje.
* May 18, 1846 - Trial run of the first train on the "Southern Railway" to Celje is performed.
* June 2, 1846 - The "Southern Railway" to Celje is open for public.
* 1848 - The United Slovenia ("Zedinjena Slovenija"), the first Slovene political programme rises.
* April 18, 1848 - The Ljubljana railway station is finished.
* August 18, 1849 - First locomotive arrives at Ljubljana railway station.
* September 16, 1849- First train of the "Southern Railway" arrives in Ljubljana.
* September 19, 1849 - "Southern Railway" to Ljubljana is ceremonially opened.
* 1849 - The Duchy of Carinthia is created as a separate crownland.


* May 14, 1850 - Emperor Francis Joseph lays the foundation stone of Trieste railway station.
* 1851 - Society of St. Hermagoras ("Mohorjeva družba") first Slovene publisher is established in Klagenfurt ("Celovec"), which publishes books in Slovene.
* July 18, 1857 - The "Carinthian railway" between Maribor and Klagenfurt is being built.
* July 27, 1857 - The "Southern Railway" is completed and opened.


* November 12, 1862 - The railway line of the "Carintnhian railway" on the route Maribor - Vuzenica is built.
* 1863 - May 31 - The "Carinthian railway" is built
* 1864 - The Kozler brothers establish the Pivovarna Union ("The Union Brewery").
* May 17, 1869 - Rally at Vižmarje near Ljubljana gathers around 30,000 people where programme of the United Slovenia is demanded.


* 1889 July - Strike of coal miners of the Zasavje distrincts in Zagorje and Trbovlje.


* May 1, 1890 - Labour Day is celebrated first time.
* 1890 - The railway line on the route Radgona - Ljutomer is built.
* 1891 - The railway line on the route Ljubljana - Kamnik is built.
* 1891 - The railway line on the route Celje - Velenje is built.
* 1894 - First public power station in Škofja Loka is built.
* 1894 - The railway line on the route Ljubljana - Novo mesto is built.
* 1895 - People's loan bank ("Ljudska posojilnica") is founded by Catholic middle class.
* 1895 - Ljubljana earthquake
* 1896 - The National hall ("Narodni dom") is built in Celje.
* 1898 - The railway line on the route Ljubljana - Kočevje is built.
* 1899 - The railway line on the route Velenje - Dravograd is built.


* 1900 - Liberal middle class founds the first Slovene bank, The Credit bank of Ljubljana ("Ljubljanska kreditna banka").
* 1902 - First telephone is mounted in Celje.
* 1907 - Electricity is used in a lead mine in Mežica.
* 1907 - The Celje hall ("Celjski dom") is built in Celje.
* 1908 - The "Karavanken railway" is built.


* 1912 - The Preporod ("Rebirth"), a juvenile movement is established. Many members have political connections with the pro-Serb organization Young Bosnia ("Mlada Bosna").
* 1912-1915 - A hydroelectric station in Završnica (2500 kW) is being built.
* April 12, 1913 - Ivan Cankar in Ljubljana gives a speech "Slovenes and Yugoslavs" for the socialist society Vzajemnost ("Mutuality") about Slovenes to unite politically but not culturally with other South Slavs and Yugoslavism.
* 1913 - Celje is electrified. Westen's dishes factory uses electricity in industry.
* 1914 - The railway on the route Novo mesto - Karlovac begins to run.
* June 28, 1914 - Austrian Archduke Franc Ferdinand a heir to the Austrian throne and his wife Countess Sophie are killed in Sarajevo, Bosnia at the hands of a pro-Serb nationalist assassin (a Bosnian Serb student Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Young Bosnia) – World War I begins.
* 1915-1918 - The Soča River front. In 11 Soča offensives Italians captured just Gorizia ("Gorica") and a few frontier sites. On these battlefields many Slovenes in Austro-Hungarian army died (for example at the Battle of Doberdò).
* May 30, 1917 - May Declaration of Slovene, Croatian and Serb representatives in the Vienna parliament signed by Anton Korošec about arrangement of a unified common state of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs living within the Habsburg monarchy.
* July 20, 1917 - The Corfu Declaration is signed between the Yugoslav committee ("Jugoslovanski odbor") and the Serb government and becomes the basis for the formation of the Yugoslav state.
* October 24, 1917 - November 9 - The Battle of Kobarid between Austrian forces, reinforced by German units and the Italian army. The Italian army withdraws to the Piave River, where the they blocked the enemy before the arrive of the military assistance of the British and French.
* October 6, 1918 - National Council of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs is established in Zagreb. It becomes the political representative body of South Slavs in Austria-Hungary.
* October 29, 1918 - National Council of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs breaks off all relations with Austria-Hungary and proclaims a short-lived State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. Slovenia joins a new state with an independent State authority. The state is not recognized internationally.
* November 1, 1918 - General Rudolf Maister takes over the authority of the Maribor garrison.
* November 3, 1918 - Austria-Hungary surrenders.
* November 18, 1918 - Germany surrenders. World War I ends.
* December 1, 1918 - The State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs joins with the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Montenegro to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SHS). Today it is believed that this was a great historical fault although at that time this was probably the only sensible decision because Italy according to the London Pact with the victorious Entente forces from 1915 without bias occupied Primorska, Istria ("Istra") and Zadar in Dalmatia and Serbia was pressing for unification.
* 1918 - Nitrogen factory ("Tovarna dušika") in Ruše is built.
* 1918 - A hydroelectric station Fala on the Drave river (31.150 kW) is built.
* January 18, 1919 - The Paris Peace Conference begins. Woodrow Wilson gives his "14 Points" address. The 9th and the 10th are crucial for Slovenes within former Austro-Hungarian borders.
* June 28, 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles is signed between Germany and victorious three Entente powers.
* September 10, 1919 - The Treaty of Saint-Germain with republic of Austria. It confirms the break of Austria-Hungary. Its territory comes down to newly formed countries Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. South Tirol with mainly German population falls to Italy.
* 1919 - The University of Ljubljana ("Univerza v Ljubljani") is established.


* June 4, 1920 - The Treaty of Trianon with Hungary Burgenland (Gradiščansko) falls to Austria and Transmuraland (Prekmurje) to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
* July 13, 1920 - Croatian National hall in Pula and Slovene national hall in Trieste are burned down by Italian fascists.
* August 14, 1920 - A security agreement is signed between Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
* October 10, 1920 - Carinthian Plebiscite.
* November 12, 1920 - The Treaty of Rapallo between Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, where Slovenia loses almost the whole province of Primorska, which is incorporated back again after the 2nd World War. Italy also gets the whole Istria together with the Trieste region ("Tržaško").
* 1920 - The "Kulturbund" - a cultural and educational organization of German national minority is established. Later becomes the nazi organization, which operates in Yugoslavia as a fifth column.
* June 28, 1921 - St. Vitus Day Constitution ("Vidovdanska ustava") is adopted. It legalizes a monarchal regulation and centralism in a new state and also the supremacy of the court and the Serb politics linked with it.
* 1921 July - An allied treaty for insurance of a situation in East Europe, attained in the Paris Peace Conference, is made by Romania and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. This alliance supplements the security agreement between Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and gets the name "Small entente".
* 1922 - Julian March ("Julijska krajina") is incorporated to Italy.
* 1923 March - Prefect of Julian March interdicts Slovene and Croatian language at the administration.
* October 15, 1925 - Italian king issues a decree, which interdicts Slovene and Croatian language also at courts of justice.
* 1927 - Founding of the TIGR at Goriško, Slovene anti-fascist organisation, first such European organization and a secret youth organization Borba ("The fight") at the Trieste region.
* January 6, 1929 - The king Alexander I. with a coup d'état dissolves the parliament and establishes the January 6 Dictatorship. He abolishes the St. Vitus Day constitution, freedom of the press and the pooling rights.
* October 3, 1929 - The king Alexander I renames the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. All political parties are prohibited.


* 1930 - Italian fascists discover some TIGR's cells and five members of TIGR ("other sources of" Borba) are killed at Bazovica.
* May 9, 1931 - To hide a dictatorship the king Alexander I. initiates the bestowal constitution, which introduces the two-chamber parliament.
* February 16, 1933 - The Little Entente formed between Romania, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
* February 9, 1934 - The Balkan Entente formed between Romania, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey.
* October 9, 1934- The king Alexander I. Karađorđević, who reigned since 1921, is assassinated in Marseille together with a French foreign minister Louis Barthou by Croatian extremist nationalists.
* 1935 - Milan Stojadinović becomes prime minister. His government begins to drop Yugoslavia's traditional leaning toward France and starts to connect economically and politically with Germany and Italy.
* 1937 - The National Academy of Sciences and Arts is established in Ljubljana.
* March 13, 1938 - Adolf Hitler annexes Austria to the Nazi Germany. Slovenes in Austrian Carinthia practically become German citizens.
* 1938 - Some members of TIGR plan an attempt on Mussolini's life, when he visits Kobarid.
* 1938 December - Dragiša Cvetković becomes prime minister. He signs an agreement with the leader of Croatian opposition Vladko Maček allowing for the foundation of the Banovina of Croatia as the sole autonomous political and territorial unit in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. This agreement does not solve the national problem since it just distributes the authority among Serbs and Croats.


* April 6, 1941 - German, Italian and Hungarian occupying forces occupy Slovenia and divide it into three parts. One of the darkest times of the Slovene history begins.
* April 11, 1941 - German army occupies the Zasavje districts, where important pits, heavy industry and traffic crossroads lie.
* April 17, 1941 - Royal Yugoslav army signs its surrender in Belgrade.
* April 19, 1941 - A Nazi politician and SS chief leader Heinrich Himmler visits Celje and among other he inspects the prison of the Stari pisker ("Old pot").
* April 26, 1941 - An anti-fascist organization, the Liberation Front of Slovene nation ("Osvobodilna fronta Slovenskega ljudstva") (OF) is established in Ljubljana. It is active on all Slovene ethnical territory, as well in Carinthia, Primorska region in the Venetian province and Slovene Raba region (Slovene "Slovensko Porabje", Hungarian "Szlovén-vidék" or "Rába-vidék").
* May 8, 1941 - A decision about the organization of the OF in the Zasavje districts in Trbovlje, Zagorje and Hrastnik is adopted.
* 1941 July - Armed resistance begins.
* August 1, 1941 - The first Slovene partisan unit in the Zasavje distrincts, the Revirje company ("Revirska četa") is established at the Čemšeniška Alpine meadow. 70 fighters were counted.
* December 12, 1941 - A battle between German policemen and Slovene partisans near the village of Rovte.
* March 1, 1943 - Dolomite declaration.
* September 16, 1943 - The supreme plenum of OF proclaims the association of Slovene maritime province ("Slovensko primorje") to Slovenia.
* November 29, 1943 - Second session of AVNOJ in Jajce.
* May 2, 1945 - Troops of Yugoslav 4th Army together with Slovene 9th Corpus NOV, New Zealand units and Italian resistance liberate Trieste.
* May 5, 1945 - First postwar Slovene national government is named and elected by the SNOS (Slovene National Liberation Council) at the Bratina Hall in Ajdovščina.
* May 8, 1945 - British 8th Army together with Slovene partisan troops and motorized detachment of Yugoslav 4th Army arrives to Carinthia and Klagenfurt.
* May 9, 1945 - General Alexander Löhr Commander of German Army Group E near Topolšica, Slovenia signs unconditional capitulation of German occupation troops. World War II in Slovenia ends.
*1945May 25 - Forced repatriation of Slovene military and civilians from Viktring, Austria to various postwar execution sites including Kočevski Rog and Teharje camp.
* June 12, 1945 - Trieste stops being under the administration of Yugoslav army.
* February 10, 1947 - 21 countries sign the Paris peace conference with Italy.
* September 15, 1947 - Free Territory of Trieste (STO - "Svobodno tržaško ozemlje") is established in Ljubljana.
* March 18, 1948 - Soviet Union calls back all its specialists from Yugoslavia. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union accuses the Communist Party of Yugoslavia of not being democratic, that it leans toward imperial powers, that returns back to capitalism, and that it diverts from Marxism. The Informbiro begins. Economic blockade and a threat of military intervention follow.


* 1954 - Free Territory of Trieste expires after the London Memorandum is signed between the US, Great Britain, Italy and Yugoslavia. Trieste becomes Italian. Slovenia gets the north of Istria.
* 1955 - Informbiro ends. Josip Broz Tito and Nikita Khrushchev sign the Belgrade declaration, which also recognizes a Yugoslav form of socialism.



* 1978 - The "South railway" is electrified.


* May 4, 1980 - Tito dies in central hospital in Ljubljana


* December 23, 1990 - The national referendum where 88.2% of electorate vote for the independent and sovereign Republic of Slovenia.
* June 25, 1991 - Slovenia declares its independence from SFR Yugoslavia (SFRJ).
* June 27, 1991 - Slovenia removes Yugoslav border signs and marks its own. Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) sends 2,000 soldiers from the baracks across Slovenia to occupy the border and the Ten Day War begins.
* June 27, 1991-July 6 - Ten Day War. JNA takes over border posts, but most of the JNA soldiers are blocked in their barracks, where they are denied water and electricity.
* July 6, 1991 - Ten Day War ends. JNA is set to leave Slovenia in 3 months. Fewer than 100 people died in the clashes, mostly JNA soldiers (57), but important precedent is set for the wars in the rest of SFR Yugoslavia
* July 7, 1991 - The Brioni Agreement between Slovenia and SFRY under political patronage of European Economic Community (EEC) is signed.
* October 25, 1991 - Last troops of JNA leave Slovenia.
* December 23, 1991 - Independent Slovenia gets a new, democratic constitution.
* January 15, 1992 - All members of the European Economic Community recognize Slovenia as a state.
* April 7, 1992 - The United States recognize Slovenia as a state.
* May 22, 1992 - Slovenia becomes a member of the United Nations.
* December 6, 1992 - 1st presidential elections. Milan Kučan becomes the president for the period 1992-1997 with 795,012 votes (63,93%) from 8 candidates.
* May 14, 1993 - Slovenia is accepted to the Council of Europe.
* November 23, 1997 - 2nd presidential elections. Milan Kučan again becomes the president for the period 1997-2002 with 595,877 votes (55.57%) from 8 candidates.
* January 1, 1998 - Slovenia becomes a non-permanent member of UN Security Council.

= 2000s =

* October 6, 2002 - The European Commission of the EU has announced that Slovenia, among ten countries: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Slovakia, has met its criteria for entry, opening the way for EU's expansion from 15 member states to 25.
* November 10, 2002 - 3rd presidential elections for the period 2002-2007. There are 9 candidates.
* November 21, 2002 - During the Prague (Czech Republic) NATO summit Slovenia is invited to start talks in order to join the Alliance together with six countries Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania.
* December 1, 2002 - 2nd round of the 3rd presidential elections. Janez Drnovšek becomes the 2nd president for the period 2003-2008 from the victory over another candidate Barbara Brezigar.
* March 23, 2003 - referendums for joining Slovenia to the EU and NATO. Both are positive.
* March 29, 2004 - Slovenia together with six former Warsaw Pact countries of Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia joins NATO.
* May 1, 2004 - Slovenia enters the European Union along with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Slovakia. The Slovenian tolar becomes part of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, in preparation for eventual adoption of the euro.
* January 1, 2007 - Slovenia adopts the euro as its legal tender currency, and begins issuing its own euro coins.
* January 1, 2008 - Slovenia will start the presidency of European Union as the first of new member states.


* Cvirn "et al.": "Ilustrirana zgodovina Slovencev". Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1999. COBISS|ID=103829760

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  • NK Olimpija Ljubljana (2005) — This article is about the football club established in 2005. For the dissolved club, see NK Olimpija Ljubljana (1911–2004). For other uses, see Olimpija Ljubljana (disambiguation). Coordinates: 46°3′5″N 14°30′20″E /  …   Wikipedia

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